First few weeks will be difficult since you'll be learning how the truck behaves but after that it'll be easy. You got it, just take it slow. Don't be afraid to back up a few inches to get around some corners.
I loved my Pete long nose with Cummins. Hardest part was I enjoy sitting high but with the seat raised I struggled touching the pedals.
Thanks Daniel, it felt so different. It’s a flat top so I have to bend my neck a bit in the sleeper. I’ll try and get some photo’s uploaded. It’s a Fitzgerald glider with a n14 cummins and 13 speed. It’s a beautiful truck.
Dang...make it work. Sweet ride!
Drool!! Agee with Danielsahn! I’ve wondered about the sight lines in that rig myself, when I see them on the interstate that is. Enjoy the new ride PJ & stay safe.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
My old truck. Loved it. They're beastmode.
You officially drive the coolest truck on the forum haha
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Guys and gals, I’m looking for any advice on driving long nose trucks. The past few months I have been driving a prostar evaluating it for the boss. I finished it up and turned in the report and he handed me the keys to a 1 yr old 389 Peterbuilt and said that’s your new truck.
I have only drove short nose trucks and never even been in a long nose. This monster is also 275” wheelbase. I drove it to the house and my major concern is the right front corner.
If any of ya’ll have any advice I would sure appreciate it. Some if the customers we go were tight in a 240” wheelbase truck and I certainly don’t want to hit anything