Got Cought With Weed

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Oleg B.'s Comment
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Hello, I got stopped at Nevada scale south bound. I got busted with a little bit of weed and a pipe. I was not drug tested but was giving a driver vehicle examination report.also they gave me my weed and pipe back out me out of service for 24hrs. I'm defiantly gonna quit now sucks I had to get in trouble first. I am gonna fight it talked to a laser already. If anyone has had this happen to them I could use some advice. Pls and thank you

Bill F.'s Comment
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If you are going to use illegal drugs, my advice would be to quit trucking.

Tim F.'s Comment
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Oleg, wow. Can’t believe how foolish you are. get caught. Then you come on here and post about it. I’m getting the popcorn for this one.

BTW...your screwed.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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they gave me my weed and pipe back

They did????

They busted you with illegal drugs in a commercial vehicle and gave them back to you? If this is a true story then the only thing I can figure is that they didn't want to write you up for the pipe and drugs at all. They pretended it never happened.

What did they put on the report they gave you? What was their reason for putting you out of service?


Big T's Comment
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Having marijuana in a cmv is illegal - you ignored that. Safe to say it against your company's policy - you ignored that. Now you are asking for advice? Dominos is almost always hiring. May be a better fit with your priorities.


Commercial Motor Vehicle

A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:

  • Weighs 10,001 pounds or more
  • Has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more
  • Is designed or used to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver) not for compensation
  • Is designed or used to transport 9 or more passengers (including the driver) for compensation
  • Is transporting hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placards
Jason K.'s Comment
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You all Savage, for good reason. LOL.

I wasn't going to reply, but here is mine.

From the sentence structure it sounds like you finished that "little bit" off afterwards.

My advice, honestly, check your DAC , and all that fancy stuff in about 3 months. Take the time that you will inevitably be unemployed to think about everything extremely hard before going back to trucking every crosses your mind again.


Drive-A-Check Report

A truck drivers DAC report will contain detailed information about their job history of the last 10 years as a CDL driver (as required by the DOT).

It may also contain your criminal history, drug test results, DOT infractions and accident history. The program is strictly voluntary from a company standpoint, but most of the medium-to-large carriers will participate.

Most trucking companies use DAC reports as part of their hiring and background check process. It is extremely important that drivers verify that the information contained in it is correct, and have it fixed if it's not.

PJ's Comment
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Am I the only one here that doesn’t understand the full story??? Maybe I need more coffee first... He says he’s busted but I can’t really tell for what. If they gave him the evidence back then it wasn’t the weed. I don’t see where he is telling us what he was put out of service for for 24 hrs or what was on the driver exam report. He also says he’s talked with a lawyer already.... About what???

First off this doesn’t sound right too me but maybe I’m synical. I know nevada can be a bit liberal, but I would doubt this liberal when it comes to drugs or alcohol in a cmv.

I am also curious as to what the conversations with the company were regarding the entire incident and how much honesty was afforded to them why their truck was parked for that long.

My crystal ball tells me a readonable suspicion drug test is in the near future.


Commercial Motor Vehicle

A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:

  • Weighs 10,001 pounds or more
  • Has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more
  • Is designed or used to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver) not for compensation
  • Is designed or used to transport 9 or more passengers (including the driver) for compensation
  • Is transporting hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placards
C T.'s Comment
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Dude wtf please tell me this is a joke

Old School's Comment
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Am I the only one here that doesn’t understand the full story???

No PJ, I saw this early today and had no clue how to respond. The information given is as baffling as the information omitted. Like, what is he out of service for? Did he submit the vehicle inspection report to the company? He almost sounds as if he still has his job - I'm hoping he will come back and clarify what actually happened. Until then, I'm assuming he's trolling.


Body mass index (BMI)

BMI is a formula that uses weight and height to estimate body fat. For most people, BMI provides a reasonable estimate of body fat. The BMI's biggest weakness is that it doesn't consider individual factors such as bone or muscle mass. BMI may:

  • Underestimate body fat for older adults or other people with low muscle mass
  • Overestimate body fat for people who are very muscular and physically fit

It's quite common, especially for men, to fall into the "overweight" category if you happen to be stronger than average. If you're pretty strong but in good shape then pay no attention.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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I read it and thought about that guy who asked how to beat a drug test because he refused to quit pot. lol

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