The lawyer can fight whatever will go on his face I believe he didn’t get a ticket with all the new laws but he definitely gonna take a hit on his Dax and anything else to do with being a professional driver old school not to mention his company gonna get called in at the scales all the time now
Oleg, you are keeping me confused. You say you...
never got a personal ticket during that event there just a driver vehicle examination report.
Then you say...
lawer say 50 percent chance he might be able to get reduced
What in the world is the lawyer fighting if there was no ticket?
You can't fight a vehicle inspection report.
What was the stated reason on that report for being put out of service?
Lol I gotta start reading the dates on here I thought it was a new thread
This was nearly three years ago, and I still say it was a fake story.
I smell something about that original post, and it isn't "weed."
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This was nearly three years ago, and I still say it was a fake story.