Hard work pays off. Great to see that you're being recognized by " the bosses". Now doing the same thing each month and more should be a worthwhile goal for you.
Nice work! Congratulations!
Hard work pays off. Great to see that you're being recognized by " the bosses". Now doing the same thing each month and more should be a worthwhile goal for you.
Thanks and yes it is a very worthwhile goal indeed.
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Well I have been quite busy the last few months but I have still managed to log in here just about everyday and read the various posts. This forum really does a great job preparing new drivers for this career and it certainly helped me along the way. I guess I just wanted to take a moment to pat myself on the back and show my appreciation as I have received my driver score card for my first month on my permanent fleet with Melton. I owe a large part of my early success to the folks here who have directly and indirectly helped me understand what it takes to get things done out on the road. The toughest part is doing it month after month but therein lies the challenge that I am more than happy to accept. The following images are of my ranking both on my fleet and the entire fleet. Thanks again, you guys and gals are great!
Operating While Intoxicated