How have things been going for you?
It's all Good!
I'm really glad to hear you're doing well. Congratulations on your engagement!
Thanks a Ton!
I started "coming here" just before finding "all expense" paid training. Boy what a toll that took on me. A year later and an accident later I finally found the employer that doesn't blow diesel up your butt. I rode with said "all expense" paid training company and was miserable. I mean wanna get outta trucking bad, then I found a company who cleared the air and sat down with me and said........... I am now more confident in me as a driver but more importantly them as my company. I'm still here still reading and learning from posts, blogs and hey look at this type of information, please y'all keep guys like me trucking and doing so right here and out here on the road, if you see a great back jo could jest be a guy like me who read it then dun it! Thanks TT family, keeps the wheels down.
A sighting, Mr. T emerges from the depths of the archives
I don't always post but I'm ALWAYS Lurking in the background reading everything. I'm coming up on 2 years driving experience at the end of this month. This site is what helped me to get started. Sooo much valuable information & it's all FREE! I'm glad I found this site 2 years ago when I did.
Wow, really good to hear from you. I read your reply to OS, glad things are going great for you...
Safe travels!
I’ve been here since 2014/2015 and happy about it.
I've been here over 4 years and almost finished with my first year of OTR driving. Still loving it.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
I joined TT a few months before I went to the swift academy in phoenix back in 2015. Unfortunately I was one of the many newbies who didn’t make it the full year, about four months in I was just fried mentally so I decided to walk away. I was able to find a local gig hauling tractors and other construction equipment but I always regret not finishing out that first year. I’m a huge fan of the site though, I almost never comment but I come here every day to read peoples advice and experiences.
Been on here since October 2015, been driving a little over 2 years so far and still going strong.
I joined the TT family in Aug/Sep of 2016. I was finishing up private school to get my CDL. I wish I had found this site BEFORE getting my CLP! I am sure the High Road Program would of made that a lot easier.
I am doing well. I was asked to become a moderator here while I was still a Rookie Driver. I am now a trainer at the Company I work for. I have been with the same company for my entire driving career.
I am sure everybody knows who I drive for, but in case you don't, I drive for the best trucks in blue. H. O. Wolding!!!! H.O.W. is the best company out there. It has been a real priveleage driving for them.
Drive Safe and God Speed
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Before getting their CDL, commercial drivers will receive their commercial learner's permit (CLP) upon passing the written portion of the CDL exam. They will not have to retake the written exam to get their CDL.
Will be at 2 years next month. Did OTR for 1 year and 11 months, just switched to running Walmart dedicated at the dc in Los Lunas, NM. Crazy to see how fast time flies. Seems like just the other day I was about to quit at CDL school because i was scared of shifting. Glad i kept at it, trucking has helped me a lot.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
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It's all Good!
I'm really glad to hear you're doing well. Congratulations on your engagement!