Yeah but I'm close to his hideout. That's something. He's a slippery devil
Texas is pretty big, except when compared to a truly big state: Alaska. Lots of hiding places.
Everybody here would like to meet everybody else. Remember when I suggested the Trucking Truth Picnic?
Maybe not such a hare brained idea.
Hey Turtle, you were right there in my neighborhood. It would be pretty rare to find me there, but you just never know where I might be.
"To catch the fox, one must become the fox."
3/31/2019 approx 1045hrs
The search continues...
My quarry still eludes me, though I'm certain he has more than once been within my grasp. Close enough to feel the hot exhaust bellowing from his stacks, and the rushing winds in his wake.
I now sense a closeness, a presence perhaps. Unseen eyes follow, alert to my approach. I am among his kind, and they are wary.
His den is near...
Oh yeah...and Im the one whose dungeon they fear!!!
Operating While Intoxicated
Dateline: Interstate 5 north, approximately 11 miles south of Tacoma, WA 03/21/2018 0922hrs
Subject passed me before I even knew it was possible that he could be the quarry I seek. He was immediately recognized to be a member of the species knightus sapadedicati, of which I've long searched for the very existence.
Specifically, the subspecies oldisi schoolicus has proven to be a most elusive creature. There are but a few documented cases of contact in the wild, but none this far away from his natural habitat.
Could this have been a rare glimpse? An attempt to make contact via the CB produced no results. Thus, I could but watch the beast sadly as it wandered away further into the concrete jungle.
Perhaps someday my efforts will be realized. But for now, just the visual proof of the species leaves me with hope of eventual contact.
This spectacularly hilarious.
The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
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Looking at the GPS Tracker, he actually is closer to me in VB than you there in TX.