Outstanding history! Thanks for sharing the info and especially those pictures.
That is cool, thanks for sharing.
Retired (Almost)
Turtle, that is totally awesome!
Thanks for sharing this!
That is cool beyond belief. I love it. I'm glad you shared that with us cuz I really dig that kind of stuff.
Very cool!
Three generations in pictures! So cool! Can you tell us anything about the other guy, and the baby in your grandpa's picture?
Three generations in pictures! So cool! Can you tell us anything about the other guy, and the baby in your grandpa's picture?
I was hesitant to say earlier, because I wasn't exactly sure. But after checking with my aunt, the family historian, I can confirm that the baby in the picture is in fact my dad, which makes it even more dear to me. Taken in 1946. We don't know the identity of the guy holding my dad.
Very cool Turtle, thanks for sharing. I love the generation to generation stuff. Can't say that I have family members that have ever driven a truck before. Even though, my dad was as courier for 24 years. He's the one who got me into this line of work. So, I guess it starts with my Dad, lol ..... :) Let's see where it ends. Makes me think, need to take more pictures or several, and document them well.
Those pictures are so cool. Like looking back in time or in a history book but it’s more personal. Thank you for sharing.
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While going through my camera yesterday for another post, I realized I had pics of 3-generations of truck drivers. My grandfather, father, and now myself have all driven trucks.
Interestingly, none of us drove as a primary career. My grandfather was first a farmer, then a truck driver, then a shipyard worker till he retired. My father was a shipyard worker for 30+ years, then a truck driver until he retired. I was a flooring contractor for 27 years before switching to driving, and I plan to retire as a driver as well.
So that's it. I just thought it was cool and wanted to share. Carry on.
Grandfather on the left.
And myself.