Foreign Employment History

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Lacy K.'s Comment
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I am an American, retired military, and have been living mostly in Asia the last 10 years. The first three years I worked a full time job as an English Teacher. This was a paid position and reported on my taxes. The last 7 years I have only worked as a Volunteer English teacher with an occasional private student. I maintained my permanent home address in the USA, dirver's license, voter registration, and visited 2 weeks to 3 months every year. I have been living comfortably on my military retirement, hence volunteering to stay busy. Would like to apply to a cdl school but concerned only about my current work history. Any suggestions, comments, recommendations are appreciated. I am from Illinois. Thanks.


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.
Army 's Comment
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Can you reach back to the organizations that you volunteered at to get a letter of "employment" from? Or my thought is if you think of the process like a resume, who would you put down for a reference if you needed to switch volunteers organizations...maybe a simple letter would suffice, but not sure. Same would go for the private tutor family as well. Just a couple of thoughts.

Best of luck Chris

Cwc's Comment
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When my wife was stationed in Guam I accompanied her. Even though Guam is a territory it may as well be the moon when trying to apply online to some companies. Some your able to and others the address will not be recorded. I added that when I was able to but left it out when I had to. But I let them know all of it when I got someone on the phone. Some are more accepting than others.

Hopefully Pete will chime in as he has more recent experience and he actually "lived out of the country" so as to say.

Old School's Comment
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You can use your U.S. income tax records as proof of employment.

Lacy K.'s Comment
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Thanks for the responses. I will be back in the USA in about three weeks and plan to start the application process then. The last 5 years was at one school and the Director is willing to write a letter for me. I can provide his name/ phone, and email. I can also provide my tax returns. However, volunteer work is unpaid and will not show. I did not teach all the time and traveled in several countries during these years. Can verify travel with passport stamps. My returns will show pension income only for the last 6 years. Have a solid work history up until 6 years ago.

Dave Reid's Comment
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Most companies will accept "retired" as prior employment...just provide your pension records and tax returns if required as proof. You will not have to prove the volunteer work. Most companies will be glad to have you and will welcome your return to the workforce. Some companies might not accept but no big deal, plenty will. You can apply to a lot of companies at once via the link on the home page of this website.

Thanks for the responses. I will be back in the USA in about three weeks and plan to start the application process then. The last 5 years was at one school and the Director is willing to write a letter for me. I can provide his name/ phone, and email. I can also provide my tax returns. However, volunteer work is unpaid and will not show. I did not teach all the time and traveled in several countries during these years. Can verify travel with passport stamps. My returns will show pension income only for the last 6 years. Have a solid work history up until 6 years ago.

Lacy K.'s Comment
member avatar

Thanks Dave. I have those documents and some others readily available if they ask.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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