I will find out what this paper I was given by office has on the top.Will let u know
Thank you guys.I had a phone call with company today about this problem.I was told I will get 30 points and so they will get 30 for 2 years.G-Town, you telling me loosing point each year?Something is not right here.It takes 30 years?It can’t be right.It was written warning without ticket.What is done is done,can’t take it back.I had good day today and need rest before driving home few more hours tomorrow.When and how can I get proper info about these points?Any website,number to check it after few days,weeks?Thank u guys,I appreciate
G Town says:
Get your rest. It's way more important than fretting over this
He's exactly right. I've been a member here for a while and can't even count the number of times somebody has discussed something that's been occupying their attention (ticket, minor accident) and then having an accident due to not being aware of their surroundings. Being behind the wheel requires ALL of your attention. In my job there's many days I'm exhausted, and honestly, ****ed off. I don't focus on that while I'm driving, instead I focus on what's going on around me and driving defensively. I don't want to downplay the severity of why you were pulled over but as it's been said you're lucky it was only a warning. What's done is done, focusing on it isn't going to change anything. I understand wanting to know about the points and such, but by saying you're losing rest means you're way too focused on it.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
You won't get any points on your license, but you will get PSP points. Points are triple the first year, double the 2nd year, and single the third year, then drop off. While you got PSP points, your company got CSA points which they have for 2 years.
You can order a copy of your PSP online for $10, or your company's safety department can pull it up for you. It generally takes a couple months before the damage shows up online for the report you order, and within days for the report your company can pull.
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
That makes sense what you telling me.He said company for 2y and will get 30 points.So first year 30,then second 20 and 10 points last year.Will these point be completely gone?Thank u Susan D.Will sleep much better
You won't get any points on your license, but you will get PSP points. Points are triple the first year, double the 2nd year, and single the third year, then drop off. While you got PSP points, your company got CSA points which they have for 2 years.
You can order a copy of your PSP online for $10, or your company's safety department can pull it up for you. It generally takes a couple months before the damage shows up online for the report you order, and within days for the report your company can pull.
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
Susan is right. And if you change companies, but honest about it. they will find it anyway. i know someone who almost had his "dream job" until they pulled his score. :( now he was tols he would have to wait the 3 years before he should apply again
good luck
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Thank you guys.I had a phone call with company today about this problem.I was told I will get 30 points and so they will get 30 for 2 years.G-Town, you telling me loosing point each year?Something is not right here.It takes 30 years?It can’t be right.It was written warning without ticket.What is done is done,can’t take it back.I had good day today and need rest before driving home few more hours tomorrow.When and how can I get proper info about these points?Any website,number to check it after few days,weeks?Thank u guys,I appreciate
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.