It will take a few months to really notice the differences. I felt a little different after a few days but about 3-4 months in, I really noticed how I was able to stay awake at work and was more alert all day long. I got my average events down to 0.77 / hour (my worst night was last week with 2.4 events / hour).
My machine is a Bi-PAP which just means it has two speeds: it starts out softer (not really all that soft actually) and ramps up, as I fall asleep, to full power. Mine also has an app that allows me to track how long I use the mask, events, seal, etc, etc. See if you have one as it helps you correct your usage over time. It also takes time to get used to having something wrapped around your head. Good luck! It's for the best!
Mine has the same thing and I'm using the app to track my compliance. So far I've been able to use it most of you night except Tuesday. It was leaking real bad, but they gave me a smaller mask and it has been working fine.
I met my trainer last night and he seems knowledgeable. He has been in trucking for over 20 years and with Prime for 6, a lot of what he says reflects what is said on here. He is lease, but isn't pushy about it. I believe overall we will get along at least enough to get these miles done and for me to learn. He had stuff to do today but hopefully we will leave out this weekend. Be safe folks!
Wow! Sorry to be late to the party!! š
You did better than me!! Iām laying low with being solo out here & remembering to send all my macros, trip planning, sleeping, showering, etc. You shall soon see. Welcome aboard driver!!
It's been super busy! We didn't get to leave out till late Monday but we went to Kansas City to pick up a new trailer, them to the caves to pick up a load. We delivered that to California last night and are taking a load to flush that delivers Sat morning. For the most part I'm doing well, just need to work on taking off easier since the Pete likes to have a leg before it roars to life. I'm catching on to most things, just haven't gotten a chance to do a lot of having yet.
My trainer is pretty awesome and usually laid back which makes things nicer.
I did my first full 10 today since this load is time sensitive. Safe travels folks!
Ohhhhh you went to carthage caves?? scary at first isnt it? i jist picked up there this week. much easier now tgan it was then. kinda cool seeing it though huh?
We went to the other side for a drop and hook , so unfortunately didn't get to see inside.
Ohhhhh you went to carthage caves?? scary at first isnt it? i jist picked up there this week. much easier now tgan it was then. kinda cool seeing it though huh?
Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.
In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.
Hey Bran! How are you doing? Are you getting close to get your "own" truck?
Sorry I haven't updated folks! I've been too busy running my butt off. We got 7k miles first week and this week is liking to be 5k, then we are going to his house for a few days. I'm still learning a lot and trying to work a few things out. My backing is super shaky, but we are practicing when possible. I'm getting better at staying in my lane without looking like I'm fighting with the steering wheel, it is trickier than you think but not hard. My main thing is starting and stopping smoothly, this Pete likes to jump.
I'm trying to not only learn the job, but also absorb every bit of info I can from my trainer. He has been in the business for 20 + years and isn't I've of those that complain about everything.
Good luck and be safe folks!
Hey Bran! How are you doing? Are you getting close to get your "own" truck?
Hey Bran:)! It's good to hear from you and thanks for sharing your experience!
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Did my sleep test last night and I have been diagnosed with severe apnea, 77 per hour. This means I have to use the CPAP machine and only got a 3 month DOT card till I can show compliance with using the CPAP. If it helps with better sleep I'm not going to complain.
Department Of Transportation
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Constant Positive Airway Pressure
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.