Han: haven't got to read it yet.. lol
Prime has been pretty awesome so far. I got most of my stuff done today but due to them being behind I have to do my DOT physical after roll call tomorrow morning. I have it already but they require you to do it through their doctors. I'm pretty wore out, but yet feel really good about things at this point. I've met up with a fellow TTer and met some cool folks. We do have those people in our class that can't seem to listen, show up on time, and don't seem to take it seriously.
I was listening to one guy go on about how he has been around trucking all his life and the person who trained him I'd a family member who is the best. I just shook my head and went on with things. What a lot of folks aren't getting is that this is one big interview and test of your time management skills.
At this point I am feeling like that as long as I keep learning and trying I will do well here. I didn't qualify for flat bed due to not being able to lift that dang tarp, but I wasn't really planning on doing that anyway.
We got in last night super late due to Greyhound's wonderful schedule keeping abilities. Then after that the campus inn was super booked and a bunch of us are staying at a hotel a little way down the road. It is nice and does the job, so no complaints.
The day has been busy but not really stressed. The food is decent and filling. The workers and trainers at the facility are great, but strict.
I've been attempting to get my computer training done and out of the way but it drags some. Hopefully tomorrow while most others are doing permit I can get them knocked out. Tonight at 9:15 I get to try the simple and I'm excited for that.
I'm not having any problems regarding the Illinois permit/CDL thing at this time. I'm in a group with a couple others that are from Illinois, have a Missouri permit, or have a class b CDL.
Well back to the computer ...take care folks.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Well if you've read squirrellys diary you know our class is one of the biggest they've had here. This makes some of the lines long, but I've gotten everything done I need to so far. My CBTs are done: drug test, Physical, agility, and file review all done. My SIM trainer says I should be able to test out tomorrow. Everything has been pretty awesome (if I haven't already said this). I'm nervous about getting in a truck and driving, staying positive though. I can't wait to go to the Millennium building and see how awesome it is. With this many people my main worry is getting a trainer that doesn't mind my vaping.
Bran try not to think or worry too far ahead. Take it one day at a time.
Good luck.
Eh...the vaping thing isnt as big a deal as u think. Millenium is awesome! we have a steam shower/sauna with multiple heads in the spa to use before and after massages lol im spoiled.
Eh...the vaping thing isnt as big a deal as u think. Millenium is awesome! we have a steam shower/sauna with multiple heads in the spa to use before and after massages lol im spoiled.
Well it's been an easy and stressful day! I was practicing to test out of SIM class and was stressed to heck. I took the test sweating bullets but I passed! At this point I have everything done that I can control.
Other than that we just had a pretrip class this morning and I had to go to a thing regarding sleep apnea. When I come back after PSD I'll have to do a sleep study unfortunately. The rest of the day was easy till sim class. Now I'm relaxing and doing pre trip. I do plan on going to bed early.
A physical disorder in which you have pauses in your breathing, or take shallow breaths, during sleep. These pauses can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Normal breathing will usually resume, sometimes with a loud choking sound or snort.
In obstructive sleep apnea, your airways become blocked or collapse during sleep, causing the pauses and shallow breathing.
It is a chronic condition that will require ongoing management. It affects about 18 million people in the U.S.
Prime Inc has a CDL training program and the first phase is referred to as PSD. You'll get your permit and then 10,000 miles of on the road instruction.
Prime’s PSD begins with you obtaining your CDL permit. Then you’ll go on the road with a certified CDL instructor for no less than 75 hours of one-on-one behind the wheel training. After training, you’ll return to Prime’s corporate headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, for final CDL state testing and your CDL license.
Watch out for the advice you get here... It seems to be Primarily positive regarding that company you chose!
Yeah, I crack myself up!
Keep after it brother! You're going full steam ahead and following the plan you laid out awhile back. You'll see that Millenium building in no time. In the meantime, stay focused and stay positive. Sort of ironic for me to say this, but don't worry too far in to the future right now - day at a time, brother. One day at a time.
Operating While Intoxicated
Watch out for the advice you get here... It seems to be Primarily positive regarding that company you chose!
Yeah, I crack myself up!
Keep after it brother! You're going full steam ahead and following the plan you laid out awhile back. You'll see that Millenium building in no time. In the meantime, stay focused and stay positive. Sort of ironic for me to say this, but don't worry too far in to the future right now - day at a time, brother. One day at a time.
And there is a PRIME example proving that you made the correct career choice, to get into trucking rather than 'stand up comedy'!! 😜😂lol
I believe from what I've read of your posts on here , you are going to do very well in this industry Jeremy C. 👍
And as for "KIND OF ionic"...... well, I also believe you need to look up the definition of "kind of"!!! ........
......just sayin'!! lol 😆😜😜
Best of luck to you!
Operating While Intoxicated
And apparently, I need to look up how to spell 'ironic'!! lol
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I'm excited for you, Bran. I'm keen on Prime and will definitely be looking forward to your diary. BTW, how is that book? I've heard about it and I'm kinda interested.