Dog & Idling

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Villain's Comment
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I started driving in April when daytime temps were cool. Never noticed how many places have a sign at the entrance that states No Idling. I don't know how many enforce that policy, I was at a Wal-Mart DC with a No Idling Sign and was told don't worry about it we don't expect you to bake in the truck. About 2 weeks ago I had a security guard knock on my door and tell me I couldn't idle. This is the only issue that would make me walk away from trucking. I don't see myself sitting in a 100+ degree truck for hours waiting to load/unload. And I live & die with the split sleeper birth provision. But if I'm not actually able to sleep then what's the point.

Told my boss/owner about being told to shut off truck. He said the solution is simple : get a dog, places don't care if you bake to death but tell them you have a dog and they will let you idle. Is this true? I know some places no idling is a matter of the law. But in the cases when it's just company policy, does having a dog get me a pass? I'm thinking of ordering one of those service dog harnesses for better effect.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Deleted Account's Comment
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Villain, My knowledge on this is that most if not all states will enforce laws on what is humane for animals very seriously and they must not suffer. Hell, what about humans! We are "cash cows" but do not fall under laws regarding our health or comfort. It makes you wonder if the lawmakers should be made to experience what we have to live with on the road. They would change the laws in a heartbeat. Dogs are great companions even in the truck but new problems will exist. Exercise the animal, food and water, needing a vet on the road, having to bathe the animal, etc. On the other hand, great no talk back companion, excellent guard and security protection wherever you go. Most will agree that we should be able to idle when necessary but lawmakers will never agree.

Big Scott's Comment
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When my truck is to hot for me, I idle. We will have a problem if you tell me I can't. I turn the truck off and take the keys when I get out of the truck. Now, recently I was getting unloaded in Salt Lake City. It was a hazmat load, so while getting unloaded, the truck was off with the windows down, and I was scrapping placards off the trailer. By the time I was finished with that, I kept the truck off. It was hot, but I didn't have long to wait until they were done. However, I usually idle while at the dock. I also have a 12 volt fan. These can be purchased in the truck stops. I have idled at truck stops in Dallas where they have signs saying it's illegal. My health and well being is more important to me then any load. Will I push myself to get a tight load in? Absolutely. I know my limitations.

With what you said before. I would have asked that security guard where he wanted me to park and idle. Or where is the air conditioned driver's waiting area. If none of those options were available, I would would call my dispatcher and let them know I have a problem. I have never had anyone tell me to stop idling.


Hazardous Materials

Explosive, flammable, poisonous or otherwise potentially dangerous cargo. Large amounts of especially hazardous cargo are required to be placarded under HAZMAT regulations


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Diver Driver's Comment
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What I've seen, is that above 70 or so and below 30 or so, they allow you to idle. I think I'd have to ask the security guard if he wanted to sit in the truck with me; that as long as he was in the truck, I wouldn't idle.

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