Wrong. 9 out of 10 truckers I talk too all still drive sticks and when I mention aboutautomatics they always say "their company" wont/dont have them.
Hello Eri, where have you been? Did you just wake up from some other dimension?
Most drivers now days are driving trucks with automatic transmissions.
Welcome aboard Eri, I hope you don't mind us giving you a hard time - it's all in fun!
But seriously, going to all automatic transmissions will not flood the industry with new drivers. This is a very challenging endeavor, and shifting gears will be the least of a millennial's concerns. If you're interested in a driving career you've come to the right place.
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Very true old school there was a time I said I'd never drive an auto now I like it just fine takes a little getting use to but you always have to adapt to change or be left behind
Exactly! Fill up the "shortage of drivers" by advertising automatics! That works. Trucking still gets a lousy reputation of some weirdo stomping his foot on the pedals constantly like some drunk marching band member. Although it would be strange if the clutch breaks in half or you cramp up. Automatics just seems more reasonable and with the times/current events than stick. Its not like you jump start your rig by having someone push it from behind.
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Electric APUs have started gaining acceptance. These electric APUs use battery packs instead of the diesel engine on traditional APUs as a source of power. The APU's battery pack is charged when the truck is in motion. When the truck is idle, the stored energy in the battery pack is then used to power an air conditioner, heater, and other devices
Exactly! Fill up the "shortage of drivers" by advertising automatics! That works. Trucking still gets a lousy reputation of some weirdo stomping his foot on the pedals constantly like some drunk marching band member. Although it would be strange if the clutch breaks in half or you cramp up. Automatics just seems more reasonable and with the times/current events than stick. Its not like you jump start your rig by having someone push it from behind.
I don't know where you're from or what life you're living that any of that is in your head or makes sense somehow. I picture a guy living in someone's basement with a pilot cap and goggles watching Smokey And The Bandit and Convoy over and over thinking it's still the 70's.
Do you know who avoids becoming a truck driving because they're afraid to shift gears? People who have no business becoming truck drivers in the first place. That's like avoiding becoming a chef because you don't want to turn a knob to turn the stove on.
Electric APUs have started gaining acceptance. These electric APUs use battery packs instead of the diesel engine on traditional APUs as a source of power. The APU's battery pack is charged when the truck is in motion. When the truck is idle, the stored energy in the battery pack is then used to power an air conditioner, heater, and other devices
My company has been on automatics exclusively for years now. The fuel savings alone has been tremendous. And I think you're over estimating the amount of "old guys" that would rather drive stick. Most of the old farts I work with prefer the autos. They're just tired of the stick.
Most drivers now days are driving trucks with automatic transmissions.
Wrong. 9 out of 10 truckers I talk too all still drive sticks and when I mention aboutautomatics they always say "their company" wont/dont have them.
Eri, at least you are entertaining!
I think you're the first truck driver wannabe that just outright declared I was "wrong" about something. But then to add some weight to your declaration you give a statistic to back it up!
It's funny because I know that 73% of all statistics are made up right on the spot, and 97% of the people who hear them, believe them!
I am 93% sure you don't even know ten truckers to ask that question of them!
I am 93% sure you don't even know ten truckers to ask that question of them!
There's a 99% chance that's true. When he says he "talked to them" he means he saw them shifting gears on television.
Eri 9 out of 10 Truckers would avoid you.
Some of us have toyed with you, others have offered good sound, logical responses that you have chosen to mock and basically ignore. You may be entertaining but it's only because you are clueless.
It's up to you to decide what your purpose is on this forum...
Disrupter? We'll tolerate you for a while...
...or the 99 out of 100 people who come into this forum sincerely seeking truthful advice on how-to jump start their careers.
Stay the course of the 1%, and you'll be joining a select group of former members because eventually Brett will tire of your nonsense and block your posts.
Up to you...
So who wants some popcorn? I'm getting up to grab another tub.
Gee, I've come to fall in love already with an automatic. This 56 year old can only imagine how his left knee would feel like ight now if I had a 10 speed. lol
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When I started a year and a half ago, I was on a 9 speed. About 4 months ago, I was put in a brand new T680 12 spd auto.
I remember qualifying in a 10 speed at school, and out of the class of 16, I was one of five who wanted the ten speed.
Maybe I'm a bit old school, but I preferred the manual. I didn't overheat clutches, I could slow gradually in a corner without worrying about an upshift from the auto that would break the drive tires loose, and I felt I had more tactile feel when backing.
But Stevens went full auto, and I work for Stevens. Besides, complaining about getting assigned a new truck is like complaining about Scarlett Johannson wanting to go to bed with you; but she has bad breath.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.