Over The Road Relationships: Are They Possible? - Article By Rainy

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Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Im bumping this specifically for HomeHalf who just posted on another thread.

I really think it is important for both partners to read this article when someone starts trucking.

HomeHalf's Comment
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Thank you so very much. Most of these points have gone through my head over the last few months. I mean it when I say I have been through all of the stages of grief in the time from decision to leaving tomorrow!

You said "A man/woman who did not cheat at home is not going to do it on the road." I already knew this of course, but it doesn't mean that the thought didn't go through my head. We have always given each other their own space. My trucker half is the best person I know. When people say to be with someone who makes you better, I truly am. He is my rock, role model and best friend. I have no doubts that we will struggle with the distance some but that will just make the home time sweeter. I know it sounds like hippies but Live, Laugh, Love really is the way we do things here in our home. No topic is off limits with our four teenagers. I am sure there will be more laughs than anything else to relay to him in his downtime. I am excited for him....and us! I've got my cheering britches on and ready to encourage all he needs.

I love your article and thank you so very much for giving it to us straight.

Doug C.'s Comment
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Rainy, Thanks for writing the article dealing with the road and long distance relationships. I read Home Half's post yesterday, and these are some things that have been on my mind lately, as I will be leaving home on my journey before too long. My wife have talked about this separation that is about to enter our lives. She works a lot now about 48-50 hours a week but at least she is home every night. We have been married 42 years and have not spent much time apart. But we are secure in our love and trust of each other. I think we will be able to handle the adjustments.

This is unchartered territory for us and we are nervous about what's ahead, and just what changes we will have to make. After all my years in Hospice I am well aware of the steps HomeHalf mentioned in her post about what she is feeling. I thought how she related those steps to her situation was awesome. Your article helped me feel better because it is positive re-enforcement for me that our relationship is on track for this change in our lives that's just around the bend. I'm going to have Pattie read your article and HomeHalf's post on her next day off so we will have some more to discuss. Maybe she will even post some.

I have something else on my mind while I'm at it, although it's a bit off topic. There is a chance that when I leave home in May I won't be coming back to our home and friends where we live now. Because Pattie is seeking a position in the Menards corporate office in Wisconsin she may move while I'm away and when I come home I might come home to a whole new environment. This is okay with me in fact I'm excited about it. It's not that I won't miss our friends and life here, but I'm ready for a change. Most of my life I haven't like change, but the difference this time is that I am choosing the change. Also Pattie and the kids are supportive of my hopes and plans to pursue truck driving. Also there is a possibility that one day Pattie will join me on the road. We have worked well together for extended periods before.

Thank you again for writing the article.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

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