I put as much stock in YouTubers as Facebook. Which is nada!!!
Yap, that pretty much sums it up!
I like how Canell pauses for effect like every third sentence. He really wants you to feel the gravity of the bombshells he's dropping. Whether those bombshells are actually true or not has no bearing, which means he seems to believe that what he's saying is true.
I lost count 6 months into my career of the number of times I would listen to a trucker ramble on with outrageous lies and think, "I wonder if he believes this stuff? He seems to. I also wonder if he believes that I believe this stuff? He probably does."
I had a friend years ago that was a pathological liar. He was actually a good-hearted person who wouldn't harm a fly. But he would constantly lie or exaggerate every single thing he said, even when he knew you knew the truth!! He didn't care. He just loved to tell outrageous stories to get crazy reactions from people. I just viewed it all as fiction and enjoyed the stories, knowing they weren't true. I mean, hey, I go to the movies all the time. None of them are real, but I love em anyways! So why not enjoy a good story when you hear one?
It's easy to expect that the owner of a site called Trucking Truth would be more than a little annoyed when someone is passing off misinformation as truth to people who are seriously doing research about a new career though. But hopefully people are able to realize you don't take career advice from an incessant complainer, or....[long pause]....anyone who pauses for effect!
Operating While Intoxicated
Most of JCannell earlier stuff is well meaning. As he goes on, it just becomes more dramatized. There are definitely worse Trucking YouTubers out there though. Like the guy that does the "Ugly truth about trucking". Talk about a whiner!!! We should get him a plate of cheese.
Most of JCannell earlier stuff is well meaning. As he goes on, it just becomes more dramatized.
Yeah, I managed to stomach about 90 seconds of something from 2017 in his video, "The lie starts on day 1" or something like that where he says the big carriers don't have enough freight to give anyone 3,000+ miles. So clearly he hasn't actually learned anything in his career and he's definitely shooting for the fake news and scare tactics angle hoping to get video views. Yeah, [sarcasm] that will really set him apart! [sarcasm]
Honestly, I virtually never go to anything on the Web related to trucking. 99% of it is so awful it makes my stomach hurt, which is exactly why I started this website in the first place. Anytime I do make the mistake of checking to see what else is out there I quickly realize nothing has changed and my stomach hurts again.
Most of JCannell earlier stuff is well meaning. As he goes on, it just becomes more dramatized.
Yeah, I managed to stomach about 90 seconds of something from 2017 in his video, "The lie starts on day 1" or something like that where he says the big carriers don't have enough freight to give anyone 3,000+ miles. So clearly he hasn't actually learned anything in his career and he's definitely shooting for the fake news and scare tactics angle hoping to get video views. Yeah, [sarcasm] that will really set him apart! [sarcasm]
Honestly, I virtually never go to anything on the Web related to trucking. 99% of it is so awful it makes my stomach hurt, which is exactly why I started this website in the first place. Anytime I do make the mistake of checking to see what else is out there I quickly realize nothing has changed and my stomach hurts again.
Definitely take YouTubers with a grain of salt. The vast majority are going to shoot for sensationalism. It just is what it is. Look at this way. If they are busy making videos, they are not busy trucking!!!
Brett, you can always go against the grain and start your own YouTube channel. Without the sensationalism and dramatization, I wouldn't expect it to be a cash cow though. I am sure a few YouTubers start off well meaning. But as soon as they start getting those checks, they start looking for ways to increase views. Then you got the rest which are in it to make money. Because, being an actual productive member of society is too tasking for them.
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Let's be honest YouTubers are just trying to make money. Whether they are wannabe actors, singers, etc..... I put as much stock in YouTubers as Facebook. Which is nada!!! I found that video entertaining and slightly more accurate than most. If anybody buys lock, stock, and barrel into any a YouTuber does, you are fooling yourself. They are on YouTube because they actually can't make it in the entertainment industry that they are trying to emulate. Just that simple. Some may getting a lucky break and YouTube viewership gets them into the field they are trying to emulate. But most don't. They just leech off of the mindless. Just like those that think Facebook is gospel.
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