Question About Trucking With Shoplifting

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Newbie's Comment
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you taking the time to read and help me answer some questions.

Let's discuss my background. On October 15th 2013 (4 years 9 months ago - 18 years old) I was arrested on shoplifting charges. Along with the complete embarrassment, I am worried that I won't be able to get in the trucking career. Before you mention expongement, I must wait 5 years before I can.

Anyways, I was reading online and noticed there were felons getting jobs left and right so I thought I would test my luck and apply. I applied at several (5) Companies with paid CDL training/school and one denied me, but 2 companies (Swift and Stevens) reached out to me and offered the schooling.

I did some research on both and felt that I liked Stevens more, but that is for another topic, anyways... I spoke with a Stevens recruiter and, well I forot to mention that on all of my applications I gave as much detail as possible, and even spoke to the recruiter about my background. He said word for word "it's just a misdemeanor shoplifting charge? I can work with that." So they sent me to school. I can't stress to YOU how much I stressed to him to run everything on me (MVR and Background) before sending me to school. He placed me on hold for about 60 seconds and came back and said, "you're good to go!"

So here I am, at school freaking out. I feel that after I complete the schooling, that once I get to orientation at Stevens, when they run the background again, they're gonna let me go. I feel like the recruiter was just trying to make that commission and send me to school anyways to take a chance and hope that I get hired.

What's your thoughts on this? Do you think the recruiter actually ran all the background? Do you think if I've gotten this far, I'm solid? Or should I still be worried?

I greatly appreciate any information you can give me, and if you need any more info, please ask!

Thank you!


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.


Motor Vehicle Record

An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.

Old School's Comment
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Newbie, they're spending a lot of money to send you to school. They don't enjoy throwing money away. They expect you to get with the program and be a productive employee. Quit freaking out over that and start freaking out over how you've got to get your head in the game and make this happen.


Operating While Intoxicated

Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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Newbie, they're spending a lot of money to send you to school. They don't enjoy throwing money away. They expect you to get with the program and be a productive employee. Quit freaking out over that and start freaking out over how you've got to get your head in the game and make this happen.

Agreed, if they are paying for your training, they expect you to work for them to pay it back


Operating While Intoxicated

Simon D. (Grandpa)'s Comment
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Hi Newbie.

Stevens will not disqualify you for a felony. When I went through their program a few months ago, there were probably more guys n gals in our orientation class with 'records' than not! My roommate had a record that would have looked like the Declaration of Independence if it had been printed out...including 9 years in prison! Lol

What they were sticklers for was accuracy!! Be totally honest with them and they will work with you! In fact, they gave me a much harder time over proof of employment (I had been self employed since 2015) than they did my roomie over his record.! I ended up having to print out reams of bank statements and other supporting evidence....they even researched the sale of my property...

Stevens program is excellent...very intensive and will give you tons of info, training and support. But; be on time....every time! Pay attention in class...James the head classroom instructor does not put up with any crap!

I am no longer with them...for reasons to be explained later but not because of anything Stevens did. As I said, their course is very good and very thorough!

So; quit worrying about the little stuff and get your head in the books! lol

If I can be of further help; don't hesitate to ask 👍😊

Cheers and good luck.


Grumpy Old Man's Comment
member avatar

Hi Newbie.

Stevens will not disqualify you for a felony. When I went through their program a few months ago, there were probably more guys n gals in our orientation class with 'records' than not! My roommate had a record that would have looked like the Declaration of Independence if it had been printed out...including 9 years in prison! Lol

What they were sticklers for was accuracy!! Be totally honest with them and they will work with you! In fact, they gave me a much harder time over proof of employment (I had been self employed since 2015) than they did my roomie over his record.! I ended up having to print out reams of bank statements and other supporting evidence....they even researched the sale of my property...

Stevens program is excellent...very intensive and will give you tons of info, training and support. But; be on time....every time! Pay attention in class...James the head classroom instructor does not put up with any crap!

I am no longer with them...for reasons to be explained later but not because of anything Stevens did. As I said, their course is very good and very thorough!

So; quit worrying about the little stuff and get your head in the books! lol

If I can be of further help; don't hesitate to ask 👍😊

Cheers and good luck.


I wonder what the issue is with self employment? The Maverick recruiter kind of stopped for a second, then asked if I could provide 1099s. I said yes, but that is only a small part of my earnings, I can give you my tax returns. I am a legitimate company. that seemed to satisfy her., if anyone is interested.

Simon D. (Grandpa)'s Comment
member avatar


Hi Newbie.

Stevens will not disqualify you for a felony. When I went through their program a few months ago, there were probably more guys n gals in our orientation class with 'records' than not! My roommate had a record that would have looked like the Declaration of Independence if it had been printed out...including 9 years in prison! Lol

What they were sticklers for was accuracy!! Be totally honest with them and they will work with you! In fact, they gave me a much harder time over proof of employment (I had been self employed since 2015) than they did my roomie over his record.! I ended up having to print out reams of bank statements and other supporting evidence....they even researched the sale of my property...

Stevens program is excellent...very intensive and will give you tons of info, training and support. But; be on time....every time! Pay attention in class...James the head classroom instructor does not put up with any crap!

I am no longer with them...for reasons to be explained later but not because of anything Stevens did. As I said, their course is very good and very thorough!

So; quit worrying about the little stuff and get your head in the books! lol

If I can be of further help; don't hesitate to ask 👍😊

Cheers and good luck.



I wonder what the issue is with self employment? The Maverick recruiter kind of stopped for a second, then asked if I could provide 1099s. I said yes, but that is only a small part of my earnings, I can give you my tax returns. I am a legitimate company. that seemed to satisfy her., if anyone is interested.

The issue was not really about my self employment; it had more to do with my type of self employment.. Specifically, my wife and I had bought a total wreck of an old Victorian house with retirement savings... I was 'self employed' for almost 2 years, doing a 'ground up' total renovation in order to sell the property on at a later date. During this time I had zero income and was living on savings. Therefore; i had not had to file an income tax return for those two years. In addition, our funds were transferred from England.

Stevens worked with me to basically state that the funds transferred from abroad comprised my self employment earnings and had me download and print out 2 years worth of bank statements showing the regular transfers.

Other self employed folks at orientation merely produced tax returns and their process was very much simpler and completed immediately.

So, like I said, don't sweat it. They really bent over backwards to help me out.

Best wishes for a successful orientation. I'm sure that you will be fine!




Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Joseph L.'s Comment
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We need an update

Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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Hi Newbie.

Stevens will not disqualify you for a felony. When I went through their program a few months ago, there were probably more guys n gals in our orientation class with 'records' than not! My roommate had a record that would have looked like the Declaration of Independence if it had been printed out...including 9 years in prison! Lol

What they were sticklers for was accuracy!! Be totally honest with them and they will work with you! In fact, they gave me a much harder time over proof of employment (I had been self employed since 2015) than they did my roomie over his record.! I ended up having to print out reams of bank statements and other supporting evidence....they even researched the sale of my property...

Stevens program is excellent...very intensive and will give you tons of info, training and support. But; be on time....every time! Pay attention in class...James the head classroom instructor does not put up with any crap!

I am no longer with them...for reasons to be explained later but not because of anything Stevens did. As I said, their course is very good and very thorough!

So; quit worrying about the little stuff and get your head in the books! lol

If I can be of further help; don't hesitate to ask 👍😊

Cheers and good luck.




I wonder what the issue is with self employment? The Maverick recruiter kind of stopped for a second, then asked if I could provide 1099s. I said yes, but that is only a small part of my earnings, I can give you my tax returns. I am a legitimate company. that seemed to satisfy her., if anyone is interested.


The issue was not really about my self employment; it had more to do with my type of self employment.. Specifically, my wife and I had bought a total wreck of an old Victorian house with retirement savings... I was 'self employed' for almost 2 years, doing a 'ground up' total renovation in order to sell the property on at a later date. During this time I had zero income and was living on savings. Therefore; i had not had to file an income tax return for those two years. In addition, our funds were transferred from England.

Stevens worked with me to basically state that the funds transferred from abroad comprised my self employment earnings and had me download and print out 2 years worth of bank statements showing the regular transfers.

Other self employed folks at orientation merely produced tax returns and their process was very much simpler and completed immediately.

So, like I said, don't sweat it. They really bent over backwards to help me out.

Best wishes for a successful orientation. I'm sure that you will be fine!



Good to know, thanks


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

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