The examiners i eould never need to parallel park. i assume they never drobe the east coast. Virginia rest areas and some in NY are all parallel... tight ones. i can think of a few on I64 in WV as well.
learn to control that sucker. i can now parallel park a truck easier than a car i have done it so much
Havent done parallel parking, we were only told we needed to learn straight back, offset and alley dock. ??? yep gonna need more practice for sure but like you said everyone , more in depth training is done when you get out actually driving otr.
Tomorrow is road test day for me, I havent done any driving except in the parking lot practicing on the backing maneuvers.
I'm very nervous, excited and you name it , I'm feeling every emotion imaginable!!
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Today I Passed!!! The road test that is.
I went through alot and alot I haven't discussed here, but to overcome the obstacles and the self doubt not only from myself and others I made it ..well at least through school now real work begins and I've worked hard all my life. so I'm looking forward to this new adventure.
I just want to say while doing that road test a thought kept entering my mind and no not keeping up with what I had to tell instructor but .. wow this feels awesome driving this truck this feels right.
Thanks to everyone here for the support and encouraging words and info many have given.
Now let's find a job trucking
Congratulations Sandy ππππ¬βΊπ. I have been checking back here through out the day waiting to read you're post. Great job. But you need to tell us about it, the actual test! We will at least I want a play by play Again Congratulations
Thank you Joseph! The test well I start off with the pretrip then we get in the truck , now there is a gate we have to go through and I watched the others going through so I knew I had to keep a close eye on my trailer pulling out of it, boy was it rough but I got it out and on the road we hit some winding , curvy roads and have to watch for cars and trucks .where the area is there are trucks hauling grain, etc.. so made the curves kept the trailer in my lanes and didnt run off sides, then onto a gravel, dusty road where it's a white cloud wash out if someone else is on the road with you, also theses roads are very narrow. Lots of interesting driving for a test, we also go over bridges that you wouldnt think driving a car you would see trucks, but yep driving them was scary but I made it just fine, then over railroad tracks and onto the interstate , that was fun lol . I'm not much for writing my story , so I hope at least someone else new will learn. just stay calm, breath and listen to your instructors. easier said than done sometimes but it does work. Most importantly believe in yourself, work hard and dont let negatively and self doubt enter your mind. I will continue my journey here. I'm applying to lots of companies now and hopefully will have one selected soon.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
Wooooohoooooo Sandy!!!!! Way to go!!!!
Thanks Kim! looking forward to reading about your training at Prime
I'm leaving for orientation soon, very nervous and very excited at same time. I keep thinking or rather overthinking am I making the right decisions.?? ...leaving everything I know for the unknown. Had the same thoughts starting CDL School. just nerves I reckon. I wont be taking the greyhound bus lucked out on that as the closest one to me is 2 hours lol.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
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Old school. Okay that makes sense. It would have been helpful if the instructor had explained it like that. All we knew is we were being taught something while being told it was something we would not use. Only one instructor told us it would be might helpful if we were making a delivery and found the only space to park was between two $100,000 sports car, wouldn't I want to be sure I could do it? I said no! I told them any truck driver who attempted that was bleeping idiot. I said first I would try to find a better place to park, second I would go inside the place I was delivering too and speak with someone about the sports car and possibly getting them remove and 3rd I am going to park where if need be I simply block the cars in. Can't wait for next posting Sandy