I was tempted to post the definition of schlep...haha
The backpack on wheels might be a good idea. I may end up laying over in motels a couple nights a week so I could do a personal bag and a truck bag if you will. Two bags that can be moved in one trip but one left behind in the truck, one taken in the motel.
I was tempted to post the definition of schlep...haha
I was hoping!
Schlep verb (slang) also Schlepp, Shlep or Shlepp.
verb (used with object), schlepped, schlep·ping.
to carry; lug:
Example: To schlep an umbrella on a sunny day.
verb (used without object), schlepped, schlep·ping.
to move slowly, awkwardly, or tediously:
Example: We schlepped from store to store all day.
Schlep verb (slang) also Schlepp, Shlep or Shlepp.
verb (used with object), schlepped, schlep·ping.
to carry; lug:
Example: To schlep an umbrella on a sunny day.
verb (used without object), schlepped, schlep·ping.
to move slowly, awkwardly, or tediously:
Example: We schlepped from store to store all day.
I think the origin is Yiddish slang.
We schlepped from store to store all day.
...the story of my trucking life.
Shim [shim] n. [[< ?]] ✩ a thin, usually wedge-shaped piece of wood, metal, or stone typically inserted under some part so as to level it or make it flush with another part vt. shimmed, shimming to fit with a shim or shims
Just be careful where you use that word. If in New Orleans, you might get more than what your asking for.
Ok Patrick-10,000 comedians out of work and we get you?? LOL
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I slipseat week to week, soI understand.
I use a small backpack with wheels and a handle. I use that to schlep all my “support” stuff around with me. Easily stows in a day cab or LW sleeper.
Works fine, easy to deal with and will solve the problem for you.
Day Cab:
A tractor which does not have a sleeper berth attached to it. Normally used for local routes where drivers go home every night.