I'm white but I dont think race had anything to do with it.
YAY! Finally something that was not accusatory of others.
I can't wait till you fail the Dot.
So he did have a DOT issue which got him pulled over. Perhaps had an illegal weapon in the truck? And sorry, it wont happen. im very good at my job and pretrip and service my equipment.
[company name withheld] and [company name withheld] Also have trainers that have raped women in the past,
True. And most companies in America from McDonalds to Enron had people who committed crimes. Whats your point? If you are saying you wouldnt work for them because you are so supportive of women.... well.... i just dont believe it. you were on probation for theft of a woman possessions. thats respectful.
Trucking is all about personal responsibility and admitting your mistakes. You dont like us because we can see through crap.
You want career advice... here is it. put as much time distance between you and that charge as possible. wait a year or two to prove to companies it was a one time thing. having your permit and DOT card means nothing. any company will.make you get a new card. and some companies will make you get your permit and test in their state. so that permit could be useless also.
You WILL be asked about your charges ANYWHERE you go and if you react with them the way you reacted here, forget this career.
Prime found something on my record that was a mistake...it said i was arrested but i never was. when they asked me about it, the guy yelled at me trying to get me to lose my temper and over react. you over reacted with the police!!! so what would you do with a private citizen????
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
MY BAD.....
when he mentioned DOT i confused him with the other forum member who got yanked from his truck....this guy did t even get his CDL yet which i did mention later in the post.
my head is swirling today sorry.
but the rest applies to him lol sorry... im a ditzy blonde today
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
So far this site likes ass kissers, You might get somewhere in life being that way, But honestly none of you are Credible people. You only dislike me because I speak the Truth. everyone thinks its easy to get into this industry... Its not, and if you got in 30 years ago when they had no regulations and you could drive 20 hours on meth... Then No you aren't nothing. Its kinda like a Dr getting a degree 30 years ago or right now, its harder now. No one should settle for a crap company and you know who they are. I can go to community for free with a grant to get my cdl so yes my permit is an accomplishment, anyone recommending [company name withheld] or [company name withheld] needs a Hitler pineapple up the arse. You are disgusting, Creepy Uncle looking dont trust him around his brothers daughter type dude, having Jared Fogle followers type guy.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Ok, this is the last one like this I promise. Just wanted to reinforce the kind of person we're dealing with.
You only dislike me because I speak the Truth
You're not even a truck driver and don't know the first thing about it, yet you speak the truth and even feel like you can compare trucking today to what it was 30 years ago?
everyone thinks its easy to get into this industry... Its not
Says the guy who isn't a truck driver to drivers who have been in the industry at the highest level for years. Thanks for the insights. We'll try to remember that.
Thanks for stopping by, pal, but I'm confident there's nothing we can do for you. Take care.
Just ..... Wow!
The very epitome of self righteous, self-pitying BS!
But; on a positive note, it gave me a good laugh for today;
As for the rest of you 'cry babies and 'trash users'......
As you were!
Lol 😜😛😂
Well, I was going to give you some advice, but you are to thin skinned for this business. You can't take some honest criticism from people you don't know. To me it seems you need to work on your anger. I would hate to see you driving one of these trucks down the road. How long would you last when you cuss out a customer that made you wait? Or you show up and have to leave because their assembly line went down today and they don't know when your load will be ready? When we show up to a customer we never know what we will have to do. I have had to wait in a tiny cage while being unloaded. Some companies have some crazy rules we must follow. I'm sorry you were so offended by honest responses we gave you. We try to help and call out BS and problems as we see them. This career is not for everyone. Best of luck to you.
As far as crap companies, EVERY company is crap to many people. The company is only as good as you make it. You keep proving why we shouldn't help you. Yes, you can get your CDL. That doesn't make you a truck driver. Being a professional is more about attitude than anything else. If you were to knock that chip off your shoulder you would be happier in life. We would love to help you, but you seem to know it all. I truly wish you success in life. I hope you will take some time and think of what we have said. Maybe you could come back with some conversation instead of insults.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
You aren't arresting Me because I didnt do anything wrong, I wouldn't have came all the way here if I did that abd I also dont know her bank pin. So he tells me put my hands behind my back around 4 times, I tell him honestly not in an aggressive tone that he's not arresting me. He pulls out his tazer, i literally raised my hands up and told him not to taze me, then he did. Sure I was mad enough to rip out the tazer wires at that point.
And now we get to the real story. You're lucky all you got was arrested. Just another kid who thinks they can tell the cops how it is going to go.
Like Old School said, best to comply and sort it out in court.
Please do everyone on the planet a favor, and never get your CDL , because you will be a danger to everyone on the road. It is obvious you have zero judgement.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
I wasn't going to approve his comment but I wanted to show people the kind of person we're dealing with, and why so many people get sent home from these training programs. All of those people you hear crying and complaining on Youtube and other trucker's forums about how awful their company treated them and how unfair the trucking industry is? Well this is the kind of people they really are, but this is the side of it they never show us when they're blasting their company.
This guy claimed he was totally innocent, didn't do anything wrong at all, but for no reason was tasered and maced and thrown in jail by the police. He was just an honest, friendly guy who did everything right but was abused by the "bad police".
For anyone getting ready to get started in trucking - every time you hear these horrible reviews about trucking companies and how they're so unfair and treat people so poorly just remember this guy. Remember how innocent he claimed to be and how he was treated terribly for no reason, and now look at who he really is and think about why this guy never gets anywhere in life. Is it really everyone else that's the problem, or is this guy the problem?
It's so rare that we get to see this side of people after hearing their "poor me" stories of abuse and unfair treatment. I'm glad this guy decided to go off on us and show his true nature. My favorite part of what he said:
I'm pretty confused how anything I wrote made it seem like I'm a bad person
And he's serious too! He really doesn't know why people don't think highly of him when he's obviously such a good guy!!!
Shoot, approve them all, not only is it entertaining, but let him show everyone what type person he really is. Jeez, what an idiot.
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I wasn't going to approve his comment but I wanted to show people the kind of person we're dealing with, and why so many people get sent home from these training programs. All of those people you hear crying and complaining on Youtube and other trucker's forums about how awful their company treated them and how unfair the trucking industry is? Well this is the kind of people they really are, but this is the side of it they never show us when they're blasting their company.
This guy claimed he was totally innocent, didn't do anything wrong at all, but for no reason was tasered and maced and thrown in jail by the police. He was just an honest, friendly guy who did everything right but was abused by the "bad police".
For anyone getting ready to get started in trucking - every time you hear these horrible reviews about trucking companies and how they're so unfair and treat people so poorly just remember this guy. Remember how innocent he claimed to be and how he was treated terribly for no reason, and now look at who he really is and think about why this guy never gets anywhere in life. Is it really everyone else that's the problem, or is this guy the problem?
It's so rare that we get to see this side of people after hearing their "poor me" stories of abuse and unfair treatment. I'm glad this guy decided to go off on us and show his true nature. My favorite part of what he said:
And he's serious too! He really doesn't know why people don't think highly of him when he's obviously such a good guy!!!
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.