Many people have said, "When I took the test I saw a lot of questions I hadn't seen before but because I used the High Road I was able to figure them out."
Now if you've learned the materials and you want even more practice we also have CDL Practice Questions, or more precisely, 891 CDL Practice Test Questions In 16 Categories. I'm confident you'll find the best study materials right here at Trucking Truth.
Definitely, and in my case it wasn't questions like How many feet to stop, travel on brake adjusters, how far from a fire to stay with HM, etc., though there were plenty of those type questions. I wish I could remember some of them, but they were more like what would you do in this scenario type questions. Having done the HR training, it was easy to figure out what they were looking for.
Had I known about the practice questions, I would have saved my $4, I never saw them here.
I would still read the manual, and use what is available here. And for the record, the $4 app I bought had the same material as here, there was no new info there. And as far as preparing for the test, though it was supposed to be NY specific, it had none of the answers to the questions I mentioned above. The only good thing about it was I could pull it out while I was waiting for food in a restaurant, at the doctor's office, etc., and get in a little practice quickly. If I had an android, I could have used the materials here the same way.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Although I used the high road training program at first, I didn't really catch on to the information until I got to school and studied my state manual. Although super helpful and proven to help countless people, it all depends on the person as well.
And a lot of apps only gives you questions and answers, without explaining why those are correct. Wouldn't you want to know what to do, what's allowed and what isn't? Well with most of these apps, you'll be clueless once you get into those situations so I would always recommend the high road training program or your states manual.
Sorry, Brett (and anyone who I might have mislead with my comment). What I should have explained is that for the particular state I was in, there were a few questions on the Genie practice tests that didn't appear in the High Road. I used the Genie to remember those specific questions and answers. As for actually LEARNING the overwhelming majority of the information required for my permit tests, the High Road was my number one source. And to be honest, I would have easily passed my tests whether or not I looked at other sources. The High Road is far and away the best way to be prepared.
Although I used the high road training program at first, I didn't really catch on to the information until I got to school and studied my state manual. Although super helpful and proven to help countless people, it all depends on the person as well.
Well interestingly enough, do you know what the materials are that you find in the High Road? The CDL manual!
The High Road is the CDL manual. We just broke it down into smaller sections and added the questions and the learning algorithms that power it.
For all these years people have said, "I used the High Road and my state's CDL manual" and I swear to God no matter how many times I tell people that the High Road is the CDL manual somehow people don't seem to get that.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Although I used the high road training program at first, I didn't really catch on to the information until I got to school and studied my state manual. Although super helpful and proven to help countless people, it all depends on the person as well.
Well interestingly enough, do you know what the materials are that you find in the High Road? The CDL manual!
The High Road is the CDL manual. We just broke it down into smaller sections and added the questions and the learning algorithms that power it.
For all these years people have said, "I used the High Road and my state's CDL manual" and I swear to God no matter how many times I tell people that the High Road is the CDL manual somehow people don't seem to get that.
I think there must be state specific stuff though, since there were questions I had never seen material on.
Ny only started using the federal system completely a year or so according to the CDL school I visited the other day.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
I think there must be state specific stuff though, since there were questions I had never seen material on.
There is a tiny bit. All of the CDL manuals are based off of the same Federal manual, so 95% of the materials are identical.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
I'd also like to add, I learn better in a classroom setting then by myself when it comes to manuals and alike. That's why it helped me more.
Im aware the program based on the manual.
I think there must be state specific stuff though, since there were questions I had never seen material on.
There is a tiny bit. All of the CDL manuals are based off of the same Federal manual, so 95% of the materials are identical.
Yes, there wasn't a lot, and it wasn't really anything technical. I wish I could remember what they were. Iwas tempted to take a picture, but it was a no phone zone. I would have instantly failed.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
I think there must be state specific stuff though, since there were questions I had never seen material on.
There is a tiny bit. All of the CDL manuals are based off of the same Federal manual, so 95% of the materials are identical.
Yes, there wasn't a lot, and it wasn't really anything technical. I wish I could remember what they were. Iwas tempted to take a picture, but it was a no phone zone. I would have instantly failed.
I could have skipped them, and still passed. As a matter of fact, that may be the 4 questions I missed, since it doesn't tell you what you missed.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
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RealDiehl, this is exactly the wrong approach to take and this is the thinking we're trying to help people avoid.
First of all, how do you know what questions will be on the test? Memorizing the wrong questions and answers isn't going to help you, and I'm confident that no one knows exactly what questions will be on the test.
Not only that, but memorizing a bunch of numbers and facts and figures without understanding why those are the correct ones in the first place means you won't really understand the information you're being given and you won't remember it for more than a few days.
Many people have said, "When I took the test I saw a lot of questions I hadn't seen before but because I used the High Road I was able to figure them out."
That's exactly why using the High Road is so effective. You will actually learn the materials thoroughly, not just memorize a bunch of practice questions which may or may not be on the test, and which you will likely forget soon after anyhow.
Folks, study the High Road. Remember, you're learning to drive an 80,000 pound building on wheels. The written test means nothing. The truth about what matters will hit you when you're heading down a mountain scaling out at 78,000 pounds and you either know how to get down it safely, or you don't. There are no sets of practice questions you can memorize that will allow you to understand the nuances of getting down that mountain.
Now if you've learned the materials and you want even more practice we also have CDL Practice Questions, or more precisely, 891 CDL Practice Test Questions In 16 Categories. I'm confident you'll find the best study materials right here at Trucking Truth.
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.DMV:
Department of Motor Vehicles, Bureau of Motor Vehicles
The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.