Why Some Are Sent Home During Orientation At TMC

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Dee Squared's Comment
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I am not yet in this industry but today in my current job as a Service Manager at a car dealership I interviewed a newly retired Yard Instructor for a part time shuttle van driver position. After inview we started talking a bit and one thing he mentioned was why some do not make it and sent home. He said it is because some cannot follow simple instructions. They will not send you out with a 80,000 pound vehicle if you cannot follow simple directions. What are the instructions? 1) Do not turn on the radio in the truck on the lot during training. 2) Do not use a mobile phone for any reason when training in the yard or in a truck. Do not use ear buds of any type for any reason. He said you would be surprised how many take out ear buds and put in after they drove the truck and got out for next guy or grab their phone to check messages/check Facebook etc. or get in truck and turn on the radio to hear how it sounds. He said they not only need to know they follow basic directions and follow through they need their attention so when they get in the truck they don't hurt anyone.

Above is the end of the TMC information. Went back and forth adding this last part because not what a trucking company has said to me but this gets me thinking of my hiring practices. I could see this in this field too. 1) I give simple instructions on how to apply. By email, online ad, or stop in and see our cashier's for application. If you follow I interview on the spot. 2) Do not have friends, wife, mom, dad, girlfriend,etc come in to speak to me, call me, or email me before you come in. 3) I still use paper application and watch to see if you or someone else fills it out. 4) Do not bring someone to interview. I become busy in a hurry and will have to call you to reschedule as my cashier's will inform you. 5) Same as 4 will happen if you take another job and don't bother to call me and not show for an interview and new job does not work out. I will set an interview time but I won't be there. 6) Same as TMC in a away. You pick up your phone, have ear buds in....."I have several applicants for this position. After I reviewed them I will call all those that meet our standards to set a start date."

A lot is common sense. Even in this time I do not believe a trucking company is much different than me. It does not matter what job appling for if an applicant cannot follow simple instructions how will they follow more difficult ones that can and will come with the possition they apply for?


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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Agreed. My ads always said apply in person, no phone calls. If someone called, I made sure to get a name, and added them to my do not hire list

David D.'s Comment
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Something I always did when I was hiring people as to make their appointment at 8:30 in the morning to see if they could get out of bed. Fortunately I generally didn't have more than one interview per day so that was easy. You'd be amazed how may people didn't make it. It was a one strike and you're out policy unless they called. Just my way of winnowing down the field. It all gets to responsibility.


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