Have you always been a worrywort???
Good drivers do everything they can to be an asset to their company. When offered a load, they don't complain about any detail of it, instead, they simply say "thank you" and get it done. The rewards come.
The problem I’ve seen here is that a driver’s idea of a golden driver is not the same as the company’s. What’s your idea of a golden driver?
I'm not sure how you figure that. It seems to me the equation is pretty simple. Drivers and companies alike both win when drivers are safe, productive, efficient, and give their customers fantastic service. I can't think of a situation where a company would want a driver to perform one way but a driver would want to perform differently.
Go into more detail about your opinion. I'm curious about what you're referring to.
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I think we absolutely compete with other drivers within our respective companies. Pay is a non-issue, because our pay scale is determined by length of service/experience and division, so no competition there, but the more efficient driver will get better miles, just because they're more efficient and can run more miles. Benefits are standard, company wide.. no competition there. But more miles will certainly mean more money. Better loads? That will mean different things to different drivers. My company knows what runs I really like, because I unashamedly tell them lol. I tend to get more of the kinds of loads I like, than runs that I dislike, but yeah everyone gets those less liked runs at times.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.