Certainly not an expert but I think you have to have some vegetables in your diet. A moderation between the two. The argument is vegetables are being covered with pesticides, and than the other argument is cows are being pumped with hormones or are eating grass and vegetables that have been treated with pesticides. The same is being said now with milk, that milk is actually not all that good for you. I saw a documentary somewhere that mentioned how we are the only species that consumes milk from another all interesting stuff. Guess it can depend on where you get it from. It's kind of when I hear the argument that running is terrible for you and your knees. Too much of anything is bad. But either way I'm still eating steak, broccoli and eggs with a tall glass of milk.
They are not filling or satisfying at all, and they taste terrible. Don't tell me you like them. You're lying. They're terrible. Steak is delicious, broccoli is not.A low fat, high carb diet is killing people, and creating diabetics......If your Google Keto Diets, you will see that it is transforming ordinary people and reducing or eliminating life-long ailments
If you coat it with enough sharp cheddar cheese, it becomes almost tolerable. (But just the cheese would be better)
Mauritania shipped $620.2 Million dollars of iron ore in 2017.
Todd, one note about your diet. The low-fat thing was kinda debunked a long time ago. Low carbs, high protein, and fairly high levels of fats are the better way to go. For decades they preached low fat and low cholesterol meals. Turns out they were totally wrong about that.
I train hard 6 or 7 days a week. I eat more of a Keto or Paleo type diet, close to a carnivore diet - mostly meat, eggs, and full-fat dairy including yogurt and pineapple cottage cheese. I'll have a bowl of oatmeal with my eggs and I put blueberries in my oatmeal and cottage cheese. I eat almost no vegetables whatsoever. I eat almost nothing that's white - no bread, no pasta, no potato. So basically I eat piles of meat, eggs, and dairy.
Most people are having a heart attack after reading that. It's an appalling diet according to old standards, but opinions are changing rapidly. I'm incredibly healthy in every way. I couldn't train as hard as I do and be healthy if I wasn't eating right. I never, ever get sick. Not even the sniffles in as long as I can remember, possibly years.
If you're feeling lousy it's worth taking a shot at a different diet. Obviously what you're eating isn't working. It takes about 30 days for the body to adjust to a change in diet so you can't just try something for a few days. And it's best to adjust slowly, not all at once.
Getting away from carbs has been life changing for so many people, but the body adjusts slowly to that change. Carbs are like an addiction. If you cut carbs too quickly you'll feel super lethargic, almost like you have the flu. So if you make any changes to your diet, make them slowly and give them a full month before you decide if it's working or not. Everyone is different. You have to experiment to see what works for you.
Here is my diet now for a typical day:
breakfast: two eggs and four deli ham slices (97% fat free) fried with PAM and one baker potato fried with a coat of PAM on the skillet and a glass of water with a shot of cranberry juice concentrate for flavor OR a bowl of oatmeal, cinnamon, no sugar, no butter, with a half cup of skim or 1% fat milk: I but the skim milk as much as I can find it with a late pull date in the stores for freshness
lunch: one or two chicken salad sandwiches on white bread, with lettuce and tomato sometimes, one tablespoon mayonnaise (100 calories), a dash of mustard and a couple tablespoons of non-fat plain yogurt as a low-cal filler so not too much mayo is used: the mayo for sandwiches is where I fudge on the diet OR a sardine sandwich with two cans sardines packed in water with a tablespoon of mayo and some steak sauce poured on. My steak sauce is 25 calories per tablespoon the bottle says.
a snack: maybe a bowl of oatmeal or a can of no-fat refried beans with parmesan cheese and taco sauce: I use parmesan cheese a lot because it is low-fat as compared with most other cheese
dinner: a plate full of frozen vegetables as spinach, green beans, carrots and peas, a starch such as long-grain white rice, cornmeal polenta or pasta, I use a tablespoon of corn oil for the rice and a tablespoon of corn oil for the pasta so it doesn't stick while boiling, my spaghetti sauce is made with one tablespoon of corn oil, and a meat item as a skinless chicken breast or a 7%-fat grilled hamburger patty. Grill means LP barbecue grille.
dessert: a smoothie made with thawed frozen fruit as peaches, mixed berries, blueberries or strawberries with no sugar added, skim milk and a splash of vanilla extract: no sugar or sweeteners are added to the smoothie in blender OR some plain non-fat yogurt with fruit and a splash of vanilla
beverages during the day: mostly chilled spring water, sometimes ice tea with lemon, decaf Lipton mix and no sweeteners, low-fat buttermilk to put a lining on my stomach when it is upset sometimes or to act as buffer when I take my medications
occasionally I will buy non-fat cottage cheese and put fruit, vanilla and no sweeteners on it
I don't ever buy butter anymore and seldom buy cheese except occasional lower-fat swiss cheese.
The days of French toast, frozen waffles, butter and syrup are long gone for me.
Driving While Intoxicated
I would encourage everyone to do two things when it comes to nutrition:
1) Research with an open mind - consider every possibility, even those that seem utterly outrageous, and think for yourself. Don't just do something because that's what other people are doing, or because that's what you've heard. Keep researching and keep trying to draw your own logical conclusions. Then, and most importantly......
2) Experiment. The reality is that each of us can have vastly different needs. We all have the same basic makeup, but the specifics of our biology are unique, just like our fingerprints. We all have fingers and we all have fingerprints, but each is unique. Our biology is the same way. We have trillions of bacteria in our digestive system that break down the foods we eat. Each person has a unique set of bacteria. Some things that digests well for one person may not for another. Something you can draw nutrition from may not provide much nutrition for someone else. We also have different ancestry. Each race, each segment of the Earth evolved separately from the rest. What works for Native Alaskans may not work for Greeks or Peruvians. You will never know what works best with your ancestry and unique biology until you experiment with different types of diets.
Also, keep in mind that when you look back on history it turns out that nutritional science turns out to be completely wrong about every 20 - 30 years. Go back 100 years and look at what they used to recommend for nutrition. Then go back 50 years and it will be vastly different, often times the opposite. Today they're promoting high fat, high protein, and low carb diets which is exactly the opposite of what they taught 30 years ago when everything was low fat, low cholesterol, and a foundation of carbs.
Research with an open mind and experiment for yourself. When you're eating right, you'll know it. You'll have fantastic energy, you'll almost never get sick, and you will have few, if any chronic problems.
The microwave oven, I think, can be a boon to a new-age health-conscious trucker who wants a low-fat hot meal that's both convenient and fast. No fuss. Driving all day long is hard enough. Trying to cook from scratch in a tiny little cab sounds like no fun to me. I like to cook but in the comfort and roominess of my home kitchen and the barbecue on my back patio. I want to spend my precious little downtime showering, shaving, going to the barber, combing my hair, brushing my teeth, doing my laundry, working out, taking care of personal finances on the laptop and most importantly, getting plenty of sleep.
Back to microwave meals: There are a whole bunch of Lean Cuisine and Weight Watchers frozen products on the market. Have a Lean Cuisine breakfast sandwich, or two, instead of eggs, bacon and hash browns drowned in grease. Truck stops often push horrible food choices on drivers. The sodas, doughnuts, candy bars and greasy hamburgers and fries are not my bag any more. I rarely touch coffee and prefer decaff iced tea. I cannot tolerate caffeine. If I make a hamburger at home, it is 7% lean ground beef over the propane grille.
I suppose most truck stops will also let you use there microwaves and tables to sit down to your own microwave meals inside.
Another item than can be a health boon in the cab is a refrigerator or electric cooler. Healthy stuff like lean roast beef and low fat swiss cheese can be packed in that for sandwiches as well as non-fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, lowfat buttermilk, fresh fruit and skim milk.
Another important health thing for me would be a gym in a truck stop with a bench press, an exercise cycle and a sit-up board to do crunches. A healthy trucker needs to stay in shape and eat right like mother would approve. 70% of American truck drivers are shamefully obese. Some develop serious medical conditions that put them out of work.
Personally, I think there should be a federal law that mandates that all truck stop restaurants must provide a certain level of healthful prepared meal options on their menus that are low/no fat and low/no sugar and low/no sodium.
i got a microwave, refrigerator, an keurig coffee machine,(plenty of cases of water for coffee), ...gotta have the coffee...
Driving While Intoxicated
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Sad to say, my Grandmother is deathly allergic to ham and pork products. It causes anaphylaxis and we almost killed her on year during Christmas dinner. We had to call 911. She didn't know.
I used to be allergic to peanuts and almonds but outgrew the allergy.
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.