How Does Where You Live Affect Your Pay?

Topic 24207 | Page 2

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Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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Gee, Brett, I did not think 30-year mortgage rates were that LOW!


What rock have you been hiding under? Interest rates have been so close to nonexistent in recent history, that many real estate investors have been taking advantage of the "cheap money" while it was available.

If you have not been able to save money in the past, what makes you think all of a sudden a new trucking career will change that dynamic? Most trucking careers are very short lived. What is it that convinces you of your staying power in a dynamic and challenging environment like trucking?

You seem to think people get rich by their choice of career. There is nothing more wrong when attempting to develop wealth. Discipline, strategy, and following through with a well thought out long term plan is the foundation for building wealth. A janitor can do this as well as a banker. It has little to do with your level of income, and much more to do with how you allocate that income.

Sleeping a lot. rofl-1.gif


Operating While Intoxicated

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Bad things can still happen. I could get canned two months later and them I'm stuck with a home I could maybe not be able to keep up payments on living on unemployment that won't last forever.

1) Most drivers dont make it their first year, so yeah, if you buy a house right away, you would be stupid.

2) Banks dont just give money away. You posted you get like $1200 per month on disability then want to start a demanding career in trucking where most people fail. The banks will want 3 to 5 years W2/ income. Hmmm sounds familiar but again, it shows committment and stability as well as responsibility.

3) You were perfectly happy living off the dead woman's inheritance to you. According to you, you considered trucking to find something to fill your wallet in case the inheritance was a lie. Now you are already happy living off unemployment after a couple months which seems crazy. Dont you actually have to work a certain amount of time before you can collect???

Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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Bad things can still happen. I could get canned two months later and them I'm stuck with a home I could maybe not be able to keep up payments on living on unemployment that won't last forever.

Another bet I would be willing to make.

Robert D. (Raptor)'s Comment
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Mr. Groves

You sound so much like Todd. Maybe you're him, but you exhaust my strength with these questions that sound like chicken little. The sky is not falling.

If you have legitimate questions the TT Family wouldn't mind answering them. But you exhaust my patience. Everyone (with exception of me) has been great at answering questions for you. But you seem to think you know better than the experienced drivers out here. If you asked questions like,"How do I get this shifting down. " Then that would be a legitimate question. But you keep coming up with questions that don't make sense half the time. And when one with a lot more experience than you tell you something you put it off as they don't know what they are talking about. If I'm off base here then someone tell me.


Mr. Curmudgeon's Comment
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Most of the big companies, I believe, pay a flat scale without regard to domicile.

My outfit bases hourly pay (yes, Im ROTR paid hourly) on the cost of living indexes for their various terminal domiciles. I make more per hour than a driver with my same time in grade who resides in an area with lower col. I dont know about the stops and miles folks pay structures, but suspect its the same flat scale with increases based on longevity.


A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

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