It's always more challenging when we're dealing with multiple personalities.
I have that problem every day
Dave, do you ever change your CB handle? It's possible some people change their TT handles.
This is the nickname people use on the CB
It's possible some people change their TT handles.
Yeah, but they don't usually sign up again under a different name and then deny knowing themselves.
Operating While Intoxicated
Well "Todd", pretty much no one even uses a CB "handle" anymore. I think that went out with the pale blue leisure suits in the 70s. But if you must know, if I did use a CB handle , it would be the same one bestowed upon me in 1974: River Rat. No, I wouldn't change it. I don't change much of anything, except hopefully my underwear.
As far as TT handle, I use my real name here just like I do everywhere else, I own up to my comments, and don't spend hours BSing people here daily with endless nonsense. But, that's just me. I don't plan to change my actual name either.
note to all: I don't mean to disparage anyone choosing to use a nom de plume's just not my choice.
It's always more challenging when we're dealing with multiple personalities.
I have that problem every day
Dave, do you ever change your CB handle? It's possible some people change their TT handles.
This is the nickname people use on the CB
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
I was going to make a comment, but my two other personalities are out right now and we always vote before I can hit the submit button. I also have two imaginary girlfriends, Poly and Ethylene. I'm in the process of getting permission from Schneider for at least one of them to ride along. I have one question for Mr. Groves: Can you identify the purpose of each and every chicken light?
BMI is a formula that uses weight and height to estimate body fat. For most people, BMI provides a reasonable estimate of body fat. The BMI's biggest weakness is that it doesn't consider individual factors such as bone or muscle mass. BMI may:
It's quite common, especially for men, to fall into the "overweight" category if you happen to be stronger than average. If you're pretty strong but in good shape then pay no attention.
It's possible some people change their TT handles.
Yeah, but they don't usually sign up again under a different name and then deny knowing themselves.
The only ones denying knowing themselves are the ones looking for cover. The rest of us might change it on a whim, but we don't have any issues we're trying to hide or escape from.
Operating While Intoxicated
Be careful when attaching the seat belt, lest you poke her and your gf flys out the window on you
I I also have two imaginary girlfriends, Poly and Ethylene. I'm in the process of getting permission from Schneider for at least one of them to ride along.
How many TT "personalities" does this dude have???
Three as of this morning but I didn't approve any comments from the 3rd, so it's just Todd Holmes and Mr Groves.
So we have confirmation then.
Todd/Groves.... As Rainy said before, please seek help.
I could tell from his posts
Todd , we truly are here to help you. We've tried to offer help but instead you try to argue with the experienced drivers, and try to fix things you perceive to be a problem when in reality it isn't as big of an issue as you think. Honestly spend time around the forum with an open mind and you'll see that what you think you know about the industry from those outside of it, or from other forums is often not as prevalent as you'd be lead to believe. All the experienced drivers here have pretty much given up offering you help because you try to prove them wrong when you have no idea what your talking about. Most drivers here are logging in daily offering their advice for free after putting in a 14 hour work day. They are sacrificing their precious 10 hour break trying to mentor rookie drivers as well as those considering joining them on the road. Instead of using all their time to sleep or talk to family they're willing to try to help others succeed. If you are serious about this trucking thing change the attitude and come in here with an open mind. We will all be more than happy to help. Focus on the things that truly matter. This is one of the very few times I've seen members here refuse to help and it all comes down to your attitude. You've refused to take their advice and constantly trying to prove them wrong so they don't see a point in wasting time on you. We would love for you to stick around IF YOUR SERIOUS about this. We all truly enjoy helping new drivers and want you to succeed but it ultimately comes down to you. Trucking really is unlike any other job and it really is a lifestyle. Even most local jobs will run you 60 to 70 hours a week. It takes real commitment to give it a go. If you realize trucking isn't for you it's ok, many people aren't able to make it past their first year. We're pulling for you but it's all on you.
Todd , we truly are here to help you. We've tried to offer help but instead you try to argue with the experienced drivers, and try to fix things you perceive to be a problem when in reality it isn't as big of an issue as you think. Honestly spend time around the forum with an open mind and you'll see that what you think you know about the industry from those outside of it, or from other forums is often not as prevalent as you'd be lead to believe. All the experienced drivers here have pretty much given up offering you help because you try to prove them wrong when you have no idea what your talking about. Most drivers here are logging in daily offering their advice for free after putting in a 14 hour work day. They are sacrificing their precious 10 hour break trying to mentor rookie drivers as well as those considering joining them on the road. Instead of using all their time to sleep or talk to family they're willing to try to help others succeed. If you are serious about this trucking thing change the attitude and come in here with an open mind. We will all be more than happy to help. Focus on the things that truly matter. This is one of the very few times I've seen members here refuse to help and it all comes down to your attitude. You've refused to take their advice and constantly trying to prove them wrong so they don't see a point in wasting time on you. We would love for you to stick around IF YOUR SERIOUS about this. We all truly enjoy helping new drivers and want you to succeed but it ultimately comes down to you. Trucking really is unlike any other job and it really is a lifestyle. Even most local jobs will run you 60 to 70 hours a week. It takes real commitment to give it a go. If you realize trucking isn't for you it's ok, many people aren't able to make it past their first year. We're pulling for you but it's all on you.
I stopped because I don't think he wants help. I think his sole purpose is to create mayhem and disrupt the forum. I wouldn't be surprised in the least to find it is someone who was here before and felt wronged in some way, and now is getting his "revenge".
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I studied
I've concluded that marker lights are on the sides of vehicles, clearance lights are on the ends of vehicles near the corners and identification lamps are on the ends of vehicles top dead center.
Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA)
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
The FMCSA was established within the Department of Transportation on January 1, 2000. Their primary mission is to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related fatalities and injuries.
What Does The FMCSA Do?
Department Of Transportation
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.