You are a fraud Mr. Graves. This was posted on another one of your trivial posts...a reply written by Brian...
Curious Mr. Groves you said "hi, from Sacramento" but the gps tracker has you currently outside of Boise? Just visiting I'm guessing? Also a another member on this forum Todd Holmes is from that same area. Happen to know him?
You are busted. Come clean and stop with the BS. Grow up.
How many TT "personalities" does this dude have???
Three as of this morning but I didn't approve any comments from the 3rd, so it's just Todd Holmes and Mr Groves.
Take a look at this Todd, posted by Brett earlier today. Like I said “busted”.
Todd, most forum software tracks IP addresses, so there is no denying who you are.
But even if it didn't, your excessive bloviating when posting is as accurate as a fingerprint.
If you think truck lights are complex wait till you have to figure out the DEF tank and diesel tanks.
How many TT "personalities" does this dude have???
Three as of this morning but I didn't approve any comments from the 3rd, so it's just Todd Holmes and Mr Groves.
Is his 3rd personality Kash? If so then he was the 1st troll I ever encountered on here.
Is his 3rd personality Kash? If so then he was the 1st troll I ever encountered on here.
No, his 3rd attempt I didn't approve any comments.
I don't like using "troll" to describe Mr Todd/Graves because he's asking genuine questions and the overwhelming majority of them are very good questions. I think everyone is hung up on the fact that this person will not likely go on to become a truck driver so they're getting annoyed answering his questions. What people are losing sight of is the fact that every one of these conversations is read by thousands of people every single day who are reading along in the background. Not only that, but these conversations are here permanently. So they're going to help a lot of people, which is exactly what we're here to do.
Is his 3rd personality Kash? If so then he was the 1st troll I ever encountered on here.
No, his 3rd attempt I didn't approve any comments.
I don't like using "troll" to describe Mr Todd/Graves because he's asking genuine questions and the overwhelming majority of them are very good questions. I think everyone is hung up on the fact that this person will not likely go on to become a truck driver so they're getting annoyed answering his questions. What people are losing sight of is the fact that every one of these conversations is read by thousands of people every single day who are reading along in the background. Not only that, but these conversations are here permanently. So they're going to help a lot of people, which is exactly what we're here to do.
True that and I love to help any way I can. 😀 That’s the only reason I am alive.
He also goes by Ravenswood 65 with almost the same bio. i recognized the dog pic which is a stock photo, not even his dog. Now Ravenwoods removed the pic.
Some of the questions are genuine, but many are just argumentative. If you look on the Ravenwoods file, he seems less antisocial but still combative. I also suspected him of being Taxman who did the same weird rants off topic, example "im picking up my dogs vomit while im arguing with you so my numbers are wrong because im distracted." When Brett called him out on truck ownership numbers he blamed the dog being sick. smh.
None of those personalities ever became truckers, just questions and fingerpointing with the "I kmow better than you attitude".
I cannot speak for everyone, but for me answering his questions is not the annoying part of interacting with him, and I agree, many of them are good.
It’s his frequent off-the-wall responses and silly multiple identities “charade” that I find annoying. It’s tough to maintain objectivity with someone like this.
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Who is TODD?
Just in case you think that guy, TODD, and I are one in the same, I will tell you that I (the Mr. Groves half of me at least) have been studying High Road Training like the devil for the past two days and have consistently scored high marks on the quizzes. If Mr. Aquila (pronounced ACK-quill-luh, I think) could please bear witness to that and help me out here. Thank you very much.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.