Totally dense, “thick” like I81 fog in upstate PA.
G Town... OMG
That was great! i once took a pic of your WM and asked my FM.."can you find this building...its somewhere in the white patch". lol
Next time look for the piercing strobe light. They turn it on when the fog is thick so you know where the security shack is at the top of the hill.
Cool gtown thanks!
Old School
the crowd in here on a much higher plane than any other trucking discussion board
and i fly above all of youz on, high up on my broom
Cool gtown thanks!
Old School
the crowd in here on a much higher plane than any other trucking discussion board
and i fly above all of youz on, high up on my broom
Todd 3.0 just looked up in the sky...wondering;... “where is Rainy?”
Ian came up with fatigue as a scapegoat. Most likely started by the attorney.... Don’t get me started on that delusional crowd... This is purely about deflecting and not accepting personal responsibility.... A serious aligment in society as a whole today. It is clear he does not have any of the qualites needed to perform in this industry. He needs an office job somewhere
Well it seems to work for Todd Holmes, ehhrrr Ravenwoods 65, erhhhr Mr Groves.
To be honest Ian it sounds like from some of your comments you are already done with trucking. Me personally, I think what you should have said I have x amount of experience with this company. Was let go for a PREVENTABLE accident. Learned from it and now need help finding a new job. Not your explanation for fatigue or bashing your former company. But then also saying that you want to go back, I can't understand that either. And the responses you got would have been very different. Bobcat was ready to give you a list of possible companies. Like I was saying there will be a company somewhere in the Chicagoland area that will hire you. Up to you to find it. Good luck.
Todd 3.0 just looked up in the sky...wondering;... “where is Rainy?”
True enough, only he would go on to say....
" All Rainys shouldn't be subjected to the crappy broom. They should have color-coordinated dirt devils with WiFi and folded down sheets. Do you think their sheets are 600 thread count? I had 600 thread count sheets when I honorably served in the military 7 years ago. I know because I drove my 10 axle 5ton thingamajig down to the depot to pick them up on the weekends. I like to eat peanut butter on the weekends. Do you like peanut butter? All companies should provide peanut butter. If they're not, they're doing it wrong!"
That’s one of the reasons I hang around... Straight honest folks around here....
Dude... seriously, you need to own up to what YOU did. You are responsible for your fatigue management. Ever hear of sleep debt? You need to take the time to pay the sleep debt by sleeping. That's the only way to overcome the fatigue. Fatigue builds up and if you aren't getting the proper rest, you know it. You have to accept responsibility and move on. Everybody has told you so I hope you can get past this.
I really don't understand the direction the world is going in with the way they teach young people to think. I guess every generation feels that way. The idea that nothing is ever your fault and everyone's a winner no matter how you perform. Where do the people that teach this stuff think it's going to lead? Do they think it's going to somehow lead to happier, healthier people and a better society?
Will these people be able to endure the hardships that life throws at all of us when they've been sheltered from hardship? Will they be able to do the critical self-analysis needed to improve oneself and grow as a human being when they're taught they're never wrong and nothing is ever their fault?
I think this conversation shows the stark contrast between us older folks and the new way of thinking these younger folks have. When we screwed up we were taught to own it, take full responsibility, suffer the consequences, learn from it, and get better. Now they're taught to find a scapegoat, point the finger at innocent people, and never feel bad for what you've done.
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This is what I like about this forum. Not that we're tough on people, because we've proven to be really helpful to a great host of people. What makes it special here is the clear thinking that recognizes B.S. and calls it out when necessary. We have been known to go overboard on occasion, myself included, but we have been down these roads enough to know when somebody is steering us in the wrong direction.
It is clearly a standard that sets the crowd in here on a much higher plane than any other trucking discussion board I know of.
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