Whelp, the inspection report was out of date on the trailer, so I have to go back. I saw the inspection report, that was stapled to the 2019 registration along with a current inspection sticker, but I didn't notice that the date was 2015 on the inspection report
Now the dock foreman is scrambling because he doesn't seem to have any of the paperwork correct on the trailers. I was able to get another appointment on the 30th, which is actually a miracle. They're back up by 2 months at all the offices within 300 miles
Attention to details. You'll get it.
I was able to keep calling and I got in this wednesday since someone just cancelled! I already found a trailer to use. This one is a LOT nicer. Feeling way better about it this time around!
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Yeah that's why I am thinking I'll stay at least 4-5 months and then I will look around and start deciding whether to stay or go, based on what will be available at that point. I figure by the time it comes down to applying, I could say I have the 6 months experience and if they will accept the type of driving I'm doing as experience, I might leave this job at that point. Then again with my hourly pay, plus they pay drivers a little extra while driving, if I can manage to get enough extra hours to average 55 hours a week(which I think is a possibility), I will end up making almost 80k a year...so if I do in fact get a decent amount of OT, I may end up sticking around for a while. I guess when I said "I don't plan on staying long", it was relative to the fact that I've been working for this company for almost 15 years.