Congrats to Jeff.
Who is his trainer? I may possibly know the person.
The second phase of training will go by so quickly it will seem like yesterday when he gets finished.
Ernie, it was Sean Fennasy
I believe I spelled that right.
What's with all the Pound Signs in the title of the thread? No they are not hash tags. They are pound signs. Thought they might be weird phone numbers or something.
What's with all the Pound Signs in the title of the thread? No they are not hash tags. They are pound signs. Thought they might be weird phone numbers or something.
It's a new women texting trend. I don't get it either and my wife does the same thing. Haha
No they are not hash tags. They are pound signs
That's the same thing.
Tell Jeff we said congrats on passing!! Yeah, getting into trucking is stressful, no doubt about it. The schools make it that way intentionally though also to make sure you can handle it. They could certainly make it less stressful if they wanted to.
Thank God he got a trainer he seems to get along well with also. That makes a massive difference. Life on the road is super stressful in the beginning. It's ten times worse when there's a lot of tension between the student and trainer so it's great they seem to get along.
And hey - I dig the hashtags! I get it! Now what I don't get it why my chickens and cows poop in their own food. That is baffling!
I "hashtagged" my title to grab worked!
Just be thankful I did not hashtag the entire post....hahahahaha!
Thought they might be weird phone numbers or something
Thanks Brett, I will pass it along to him. I talk about you guys and this site all of the time. I can tell you in advance he says Thank you.
I don't get it why my chickens and cows poop in their own food. That is baffling
I don't get how a vegetarian is a vegetarian when my food poops on their food! LOL
I don't get how a vegetarian is a vegetarian when my food poops on their food!
What's with all the Pound Signs in the title of the thread? No they are not hash tags. They are pound signs. Thought they might be weird phone numbers or something.
It's a new women texting trend. I don't get it either and my wife does the same thing. Haha
My fiance does the same exact thing. It annoys the Hell out of me. Its like reading a message from someone with Turrets. Along with "HASH-TAG". Its called a POUND SIGN people.
It annoys the Hell out of me. Its like reading a message from someone with Turrets.
Now THAT'S funny!!! I'll have to borrow that one from ya!!!
I think I will change my name from Free Spirit to #Hashtag just for all of you on TT!
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I found this site right as Jeff left for Prime and I am so GRATEFUL it is here as well as all of you. I think I was more nervous for him than he was so this has been my run-to comfort place. Everything I read here, I relayed to him to give him "the heads up" on what to expect. All in all, there were a lot of truths here! (no pun intended..HA!) It has been a difficult month, in a good kind of way, and we got through it.
Both Jeff and I will say he had a GREAT trainer, some people have it in their blood how to teach and he was definitely one of them. I will have to brag a little and say that the instructor was extremely shocked with Jeff's backing skills as he was blessed with this talent. However, the best of the best even have bad days and unfortunately Jeff's bad day just happened to be day before testing.
They ended up with 12 hours on the pad that day! Now, he is more nervous than ever!!! We talked that night, I told him everything will be fine, he'll do great! The next morning I spoke to him and reading his pre-trip to him so it would be fresh in his mind, he does the same with his trainer and leaves out an important that would be instant fail...UGH!! I told him that was a blessing, because he knows not to leave it out now. Now, he is standing in front of the examiner, take a guess what this guy says.... "You are my lucky customer of the day, you will be going over the whole truck!"
LOL...Jeff is thinking to himself "WOW, you have got to be kidding"
(I'm rolling as he is telling me this!!) He has been a bundle of nerves, stressed out to the max, worried and now this....poor guy! But needless to say..he aced it!! ( Like I knew he would!!)
The next worry was what kind of a person will he be paired up with! Within hours of passing, they had a guy ready to pick him up the next morning. So far, they have paired him up with "his brother from another mother" LOL Hope that continues!! They are heading to Alabama, then California and supposed to work their way back to NC.
Now that we have gotten ALL of that out of the way, I told Jeff now I can get back to MY reading and studying so I will know what in the heck is going on!! I'll be riding with him during his first year and then I will be pursuing my CDL so we can team up!
Everyone send positive energy!!! Maybe he can come home for a day or two, he has been gone since Nov 30.
Thanks again....See y'all here on TT
~Free Spirit
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