That sucks! On the bright side your student will know how to handle a breakdown. Consider it part of the training
Just blame it on the studentπππππ€£ππππ
Just blame it on the studentπππππ€£ππππ
Already did. LOL
That stinks! My pete went into the shop in Springfield for a broken clutch break last Friday. Let's just say that's not all that was wrong. Blower motor, the flapper that mixes the hot and outside air, some actuators and a exhaust manifold leak plus a few others that I don't recall. Didn't get it back until Wednesday morning. Also got NEW WIPER BLADES!!! YAY! At least I was able to get out of there before the storm hit that area.
Sometimes I think SLC is where trucks go to die. I've had three trucks break down in SLC and one was terminal.
Good luck and hopefully it's a speedy recovery.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Big Scott
Sorry you broke down but as was said it's only food out of pocket. Good luck to getting it fixed and good luck to your student on upgrading.
Ubered to the truck this morning, needed more clothes and some other stuff. Truck won't get in their shop before Monday. So, we are still sitting. My FM may get me a new truck. We'll see. Been sitting in the hotel watching Netflix. Making the best of it.
Ubered to the truck this morning, needed more clothes and some other stuff. Truck won't get in their shop before Monday. So, we are still sitting. My FM may get me a new truck. We'll see. Been sitting in the hotel watching Netflix. Making the best of it.
I've been sitting in the hotel for 2 days myself, I feel for you. I have watched all the TV I can take.
Football is on now. Something to watch....
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Wednesday, on the way to pick up the load to get my student back to Joplin to upgrade, the truck broke. First the voltage dropped to zero, then the cruise control went out, the transmission faulted, the Abs lights went on, the display went out, the Def light went on and several other alerts started going off. Stopped at the next Flying J and did the reset that my road service department told me to do. Didn't work and no shop at that J. Road service had me go to the TA 16 miles away. Crawl into the TA as the engine is derating. Checked into the shop at the TA. Awhile later the TA shop calls me to say my company wants me to take it to the dealer. The best part is the dealer is almost across the street from the J. At this point the truck needed to be towed the 16 miles to the dealer. Since the tow truck only had room for one passenger, I got an Uber to take me and my student to the hotel. We have been at the hotel ever since. It's now Friday and they probably won't get the truck into the shop before Monday. My fleet manager is going to see about getting me a new truck. I will also get layover/breakdown pay. It is very frustrating to be broke down like this.
On a side note. I have a friend who bought a truck about 6 months ago. He has been broke down since 12-31-18 and is currently down about $5000.00 between repairs, hotel and Uber. My out of pocket will be what I eat.
Fleet Manager:
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.