I had one stop in Pella,IA and one in Wasau, WI for today. Man, I don't know how you folks do it up here. Get me back to Texas - I wasn't made for this kind of weather!
suck it up and do the polar bear challenge...
See, even the polar bear doesn't want to go in, beat the polar bear to the water.....
You first!
When it's as cold as it's been the last few days up there, anti gel isn't enough. Adding a 40% ratio of Diesel #1 along with the anti gel and leaving the truck running will get you through.
When it's as cold as it's been the last few days up there, anti gel isn't enough.
Yes sir, I found that out. My truck is in the shop getting thawed out right now. I've had to change my delivery appointments and I'm going to take a little break now.
When it's as cold as it's been the last few days up there, anti gel isn't enough.
Yes sir, I found that out. My truck is in the shop getting thawed out right now. I've had to change my delivery appointments and I'm going to take a little break now.
Dang! Looks like your at the Kwik Star. Exit 201 huh. I took my 30 there about 4 hours ago.
Yeah, I'm sitting in the Denny's restaurant.
That Kwik Trip sells #1. I'd add some once they get her thawed out. Fuel economy will drop a little because the cetane isn't as high but it lacks the paraffin in #2 and doesn't have the extra crap in bio diesel that hates cold weather.
Thanks Robert!
I just got done folding my first tarp in this sub zero paradise. It more resembles a big square.
I have to admit that in the winter here in Minnesota there are some times when a day in Phoenix in the middle of August would feel really good. It was -30 all day yesterday. We didn't even go out of the house, my wife and I had the day off. But it's supposed to be 44 on Sunday. That will feel like a heat wave! I was raised in Arizona and just about when I think I'm used to the cold I'm reminded that really, I'm not!
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suck it up and do the polar bear challenge...
See, even the polar bear doesn't want to go in, beat the polar bear to the water.....