You've been at Swift for 6 years and making 70G? I'm in less than 2 years with Ozark and I almost made that. And I take a lot of hometime too. 14-4.
Well good for you chief...
I never revealed my income to you Brandon. 70k+ was what I quoted that many drivers are making with the companies you trashed. Don’t twist my words...
What did I say that was wrong??
Well, almost everything.
What kind of driver I am?? What does that mean?
It means you are a know it all who thinks he has some kind of information we need. Unfortunately you are a very typical driver who doesn't really have a clue. It's plainly obvious by your biased remarks about greedy mega carriers being the cause of the industry's problems. You'll find we aren't convinced by the brainwashing you've been exposing yourself to.
I thought this was the friendliest forum out there. Sure doesn't seem like it to me.
We are definitely the friendliest out there. We tried our best with you on another thread, but being friendly does not mean we are going to let you bloviate a bunch of garbage that has no basis in reality. The large carriers are providing some of the greatest opportunities out here, especially for new drivers. We teach people how to make a great start in this career. You are dead set on teaching people about your limited perceptions about how this business works.
We're thrilled you are happy at Ozark, that's great. Your analysis of the industry is some of the same old drivel that drivers have been spouting for years. Unfortunately most of it is bogus. Try convincing somebody like me, who works for Knight making a little over 80,000 dollars a year, that their company sucks and pays their drivers way less than somebody like Ozark. That's going to be a difficult argument to make.
A driver giving his personal interaction with a company driver is frowned upon.
No it's certainly not frowned upon. We've all heard the malcontents like you spoke with. There's tens of thousands of them. Think about it. I've spoken with drivers who had nothing but venom to say about Ozark. You see, a lot depends on perspective, and right now yours is completely skewed in a way that's not acceptable here.
Every company out there has their distractors. These are the drivers who can never seem to grasp the concepts of success at this. They always blame the company. It's funny how these companies keep giving these new guys chances. The drivers blow it and then start blaming the company. It's a never ending cycle. That actually sounds pretty generous of the company to me.
In trucking you'll be required to prove yourself. Each of these big companies will give these new drivers that opportunity. What they do with it will determine their future in the industry. Many of them continue their whole career ranting about the megas. We don't suffer that nonsense.
And I don't doubt you talked to people ****ed off at Ozark. Unlike you I won't sit here and say my company is so wonderful. It is far from perfect. Far from it. I never recommended the company I drive for. I never said I was happy here. In fact I said I was applying to smaller companies. I simply said they pay better than the megas. I'm not here to recommend my company.
I don't believe you made 80k at Knight. Why? I turned down a job at Knight saying I would get 2500 miles a week at .36cpm. So don't try to pull that one on me. The only way you're making that at Knight is if you've sucked up and been there like 20 years. I want to see a W-2 because I'm calling bull on that.
The megas are a well known source of problems for this industry. Funny that pointed out that the salaries of drivers has been cut by 2/3 in the last 30 years. Can you refute that? Or just personally attack me? Can you refute anything I've posted? I don't just spout junk, I back up what I say with multiple links from 3rd party sources. Have you ever heard of supply and demand? The larger the supply the less the demand? Who is responsible for hiring hundreds of thousands of new drivers at low pay? Surely not mom and pop operations.
I'm not saying that megas are awful and they all need to die. I'm saying that its well known that with the oncoming of mega fleets we see a corresponding decrease in driver pay that is still a problem today.
You can argue with me but you can't argue the ugly facts.
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
No Brandon, a personal experience always trumps some guys arguments. I don't care how many times you bring up a link to these other forums. They are full of guys who have been saying this same old junk for years. We're done with you.
You've skillfully confirmed all our saient arguments.
Brandon is the type of driver who only sees CPM and to them that is all that matters.
He will be perfectly happy driving for a 3 truck operation in a truck with 750k miles and duct tape holding it together. But hey they pay .2cpm more!
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
Brandon anyone calling Old School a liar and a suck-up is totally clueless.
You are exactly what is wrong with this industry...
I don't know why I keep playing with this clown, but I'm gonna clarify something for those who are actually learning something from this discussion.
Let me quote Brandon to set this up...
I don't believe you made 80k at Knight. Why? I turned down a job at Knight saying I would get 2500 miles a week at .36cpm. So don't try to pull that one on me. The only way you're making that at Knight is if you've sucked up and been there like 20 years.
Here's the problem with drivers like Brandon. They don't understand how you make money at this. They are convinced these companies need to step up and increase their pay to greenhorn Bozos, and then they want to also claim that experienced drivers who've taken the time and effort to prove their worth to these operations are "suck ups." That makes no sense. I didn't start making this kind of money at Knight - nobody does that. You prove yourself - that's what performance based pay is all about.
I am seven months shy of being at Knight for five years. My pay started at 37 CPM. It is now sitting at 55 CPM. I turn in excess of 3,000 miles each week. I also get some very generous accessory pay. I made the effort to commit to this and it paid off. That's how you do this. Most drivers like Brandon chase dollars by constantly switching companies. They think there is this holy grail of income found in small trucking companies. It makes absolutely no sense if you understand the economics of this commodities business.
Drivers hold the magic formula for their success. How well you can produce results out here determines your worth in this industry. It's not based on company profits, or any other company specific metric you can come up with. A driver's results, his performance, is what measures out his pay.
Nobody needs to see my W-2. They are smart enough to use the numbers I gave here. But for those doubters heres last week's pay - it was 3,300 miles, a very typical week for me.
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
Roehl has over 2,000 trucks on the road.
Glassdoor shows 9 reviews. There may be more if you have a paid account, feel free to screenshot the number of reviews you are using to say they are a crappy company.
First off, MOST of us did get raises several times in the last year. You can see that in our posts. The "34% of fleets wont raise wages" includes ALL fleets even mom and pops. I have gone from 39.5cpm to 48cpm. Plus all of my bonuses. Our lightweights start at 49cpm plus bonuses which means a greenhorn can make 55cpm. My 2nd year I did make $72k not "almost made $70k" in a lightweight i could have made more. so the link you keep posting is either inaccurate or directed at smaller fleets.
I AM one of the favorites. This entire industry is about favorites. Those who perform, and do it safely get miles thrown at them. The ones who get to customers early, manage their clocks, and solve problems are always going to be treated like gold. Our trucks might be slow but they are brand new and ALWAYS repaired when I need them.
Those who make up excuses and are late get crappy loads.
Why I am Not Just a Number at My MegaCarrier
My company has the best state of the art terminal facilities as well as the latest safety features. Our owner is in our terminal daily and always open to comments and suggestions. We drivers have his cell phone number with an open door policy. I am basically treated like a princess, and that is just the way i like it.
it makes me laugh that you are looking for another job, yet call us liars for loving the companies we work for. All of us are happy and could easily argue over which company is best.
Prime has been on the "Top Beet Fleets to Drive For" List for years. A list voted upon by....DRIVERS.
As for the turnover rate..its true. The companies bringing the most new drivers will have the highest turnover. Not because of the companies, but because most people cannot handle the trucking lifestyle. What is funny is that many people coming to Prime are people who left for "greener pastures" but return when they realize they werent trater as well. CK mentioned this in his Training Diary since he is in school at Prime now.
As far as hearsay from other drivers.. the very definition of heresay is not having experienced it yourself. Relying on unverified information aka rumors. So everything you are saying about megacarriers IS heresay and inadmissible in court. Everything we are saying is admissible in court because it is our first hand experience.
So you need to get your facts straight.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
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I always find it funny when drivers try to tell other happy drivers how much their company sucks and why they would never work for them. I would take a mega carrier over a small operation any day of the week.