Brian you must have never driven through chicago, lol.
Hobo I would guess is probably much younger than some of us older and wiser vets. Things change all the time, I understand that, however basic traits and human diginity doesn’t go out of style. I have known and served with all kinds in the military, as well as civilian life. People are people and it takes all kinds to make the world go round.
A big thank you to all here that have served for your service!!!!
And just as importantly thank you too all of you that have stood by someone who served, you made the same sacrafices whether you thing you did or not!!!!
Rob D, I’ll be in sometime monday evening. We can get together monday or tue evening, whichever fits your schedule better. Shoot me an email, address is in my profile.
Wow that sure derailed.
best thing of all was to expect me to live up to high expectations and perform at a high level.
This is one thing I do expect from my students. It usually ends well for them because of the high performance I teach them.
When I first meet my new students I explain to them that my role is not to just teach them how to operate a truck. That is the easy part. My main role is to teach them how to be successful out here. If they want to slack off once they get their own truck that's on them.
I want to thank all of you.
Brian, you nailed it for me. My family has every branch including USCG covered. we are very pro military. For years I volunteered my time in organizations, or even just listened to the many Vietnam Vets I worked with at the USPS when they broke down and needed someone to listen, which happened a lot. i even wrote about one of these sessions in one of my books because i was so touched.
Once in awhile I do promotions where I donate all proceeds of my books to the National Military Family Association which helps parents who were deployed reconnect with their families when they return. Its an awesome organization with lots of activities to help young children interact with their parent again. In a long story and weird way, it was the guys in Iraq who encouraged me to publish my writings in the first place. Then a Marine in Korea emailed me asking for audiobooks so i published them as well. So i owe not only my freedom, but my book career to servicemen.
I never, ever, ever would mean any disrespect to someone who served. Veterans have helped and affected my life in so many ways, it really bothered me last night that I upset someone. But the comments from all of you truly helped me. Cause youz guyz all know, anyone else I would have snapped back at. But wave that flag, and my heart melts.
As for my former SO, the affects of Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and many other places tore us apart. He is broken beyond repair, and although we are separated...he is with me, forever and always.
Because I have dealt with that, i understand that guys like Hobo are still filled with anger with no outlet. If him bashing me helps him feel better, so be it. I wish him nothing but the best.
Big T, yeah sorry we got off on a tangent. Your doing things the right way, and I sure applaud you for that. There are far too many trainers out here doing it just for an extra buck.... I’m sure everyone appreciates your high degree of proffessionalism and dedication.
That said you will get those who don’t want it bad enough to fully apply themselves. They are only hurting themselves. I had 2 OTR trainers when I started and both were like you, and I was a sponge. I knew how lucky I was too have trainers like them, but not everyone gets it.
Do what you can for them both in the mechanics of the business, and encourgement and let the ball rest in their court what they do with it....
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
No worries PJ. He obviously had the smallest ruler. Frankly anyone that spends more than five minutes on this forum knows better than to question Rainy's or any of the rest of you guys motives or intentions.
Big T, yeah sorry we got off on a tangent. Your doing things the right way, and I sure applaud you for that. There are far too many trainers out here doing it just for an extra buck.... I’m sure everyone appreciates your high degree of proffessionalism and dedication.
That said you will get those who don’t want it bad enough to fully apply themselves. They are only hurting themselves. I had 2 OTR trainers when I started and both were like you, and I was a sponge. I knew how lucky I was too have trainers like them, but not everyone gets it.
Do what you can for them both in the mechanics of the business, and encourgement and let the ball rest in their court what they do with it....
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Rainy, Hobo? Forget this clown and his getting butthurt
I know of no military veteran who would get upset over the simple analogy you used?
In fact I would question his connection if any to the military other than perhaps video games?
Confidence and experience speak in volumes, but usually in silence.
I don't know what its called when someone pretends to be a truck driver, but I know what is called when people pretend to be combat vet: Stolen Valor.
I think Hobo may be a serial valor theif:
His profile says Preparing for School, but see his quote below:
When I used to train new drivers I had a few like that and fear was not their problem, being spoiled was their problem.
Based on his quote, he would have been a Vietnam era vet:
Actually, you don't stay away from the NUGs, you stay away from the 60 gunner and the RTO, and the guy walking next to the RTO...they're the ones most likely to buy it.
Army replaced the M60 and RTO were vietnam era.
I'm not saying he is lying, but just maybe. And he shouldn't take offense to me challenging his credentials. I don't care if people ask me for proof. I downloaded one of my three DD-214s to my phone in case a place that offers veteran discounts wants proof.
That’s all well and good...I think to some degree you may be correct.
His last quote suggesting that “I lick his privates” tells me all that I need to know about him. Vulgar, disrespectful, childish and yes (Harry), cowardly. Not something anywhere close to how the true vets conduct themselves on this site.
I don't know what its called when someone pretends to be a truck driver, but I know what is called when people pretend to be combat vet: Stolen Valor.
I think Hobo may be a serial valor theif:
His profile says Preparing for School, but see his quote below:
When I used to train new drivers I had a few like that and fear was not their problem, being spoiled was their problem.
Based on his quote, he would have been a Vietnam era vet:
Actually, you don't stay away from the NUGs, you stay away from the 60 gunner and the RTO, and the guy walking next to the RTO...they're the ones most likely to buy it.
Army replaced the M60 and RTO were vietnam era.
I'm not saying he is lying, but just maybe. And he shouldn't take offense to me challenging his credentials. I don't care if people ask me for proof. I downloaded one of my three DD-214s to my phone in case a place that offers veteran discounts wants proof.
Exactly why I asked for details.
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Since all of my comments are on hold, I'm not going to attempt to comment on how I feel the conversation has gone so far. But I'll say this, Hobo the "lick sack" comment was didn't help you're argument. Nobody was going to say "o, your right" in response to that.
As far as Rainy's analogy I had no issue with it, I understood it. But i can kind of see where a veteran could take it differently as you did. You're new to the forum. But I can assure you as a veteran myself, Rainy meant no ILL will towards the military. So has actually done alot for the military and as she mentioned had a armed forces member as a significant other. That is quite a sacrifice the military is going to be more near and dear to her heart than your average civilian. So in the end understand, like Grumpy was trying to explain, by her analogys like "combat zone" she didn't mean truck drivers are driving through war zones.