One of the better solutions I’ve seen... Durability, maintenance and cost is obviously a consideration.
Bruce your question is best answered by your primary company contact. Interested to read how they answered it.
Knowing where snow blades exist is also a good start. Many of the vendors I backhaul from have a snow scraper. Major DCs have them...not always in plain view though. Ask the shipping or receiving office in the event you need to clear your roof. I suggest recording where they are located for future reference.
That said, this is one problem where currently all of the fingers arbitrarily point directly at us. Is it right? No. But you’ll begin to realize, when no practical solution exists to solve a problem requiring lawful compliance, it’s always on us.
Unfortunately this is one of the more outrageous examples where widespread availability of the necessary tools and process doesn’t exist to maintain lawful compliance.
The tail is wagging the dog...
Operating While Intoxicated
I work for one of the largest companies and safety is constantly taught, stressed and practiced. But I’ve never seen this issue addressed by the company. Why the silence?
Using Occums Razor as the guiding principle... I must go with "Talk is cheap. Solutions cost money!"
As long as these tools are not in general use or mandated across the country industry doing nothing and making it the driver's problem is probably considered a viable option.
Wisconsin has had a tarp law on dump trucks for decades. Almost never enforced. Dunno why.
Hello all,
It was reported that during one of the first storms of this current winter, State Police nabbed 18 vehicles. All motor vehicles are getting the same treatment. Just unfortunate in the article semi's are the only ones pictured. There are also sign's posted on the highways about cleaning of your vehicles. I understand the frustration and such having to clear a semi, but a car or truck, just baffles me.
Safe Travels.
Maybe van trailers need heated roofs but that would be a problem for reefers
A refrigerated trailer.
Maybe van trailers need heated roofs but that would be a problem for reefers
Bruce did you read the link I replied with?
A refrigerated trailer.
I agree with Rainy. If the states or the Feds want to keep 13'6" trailers clean of snow and ice they could very easily install the flexible blades at rest areas entering the truck parking areas. It is more conceivable to do that off the highway and to prevent serious injuries or deaths to drivers falling from their trucks trying to clean them. I'm sure most drivers out here have experienced snow or ice falling off their roofs but I for one will not go up there to clean it off.
I’m with you. I fell 6 feet and broke my ankle. Spent a year recovering, 6 months at least in bed, 2 months no weight bearing st all and the rest as little as possible.
No way I’m climbing on top of a trailer. The company will have to hire someone, or pay me to wait for it to melt.
They have paid in the past, by the way. We went to a fleet maintenance place in Wisconsin and they shoveled it off.
I was at a customer in Farmington, Connecticut last week and talked to a van driver who had called his company because he had about twelve inches of snow on top of the loaded trailer he picked up. They had a fleet maintenance truck there in about thirty minutes and two guys climbed up on top using an extension ladder, and shoveled it off.
Good to see you back on the road Grumpy.
I thought that’s why the potholes never get fixed, to get that snow off
My trainer has me hitting as many as possible last night to try to get it off.
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Obviously there is a huge safety issue involved here that I never fully grasped. I work for one of the largest companies and safety is constantly taught, stressed and practiced. But I’ve never seen this issue addressed by the company. Why the silence?