Oh... and no shortage of parking nearby. Butler is very small - mix of residential, commercial and industrial. I am confident we can find a good safe place for you to park. Walmart about 10 min. away... I often see trucks there.
International dealer closer, on the off chance you drive one of theirs. I think street parking, especially Saturday - Sunday (as long as you stay out of the few "no truck parking" spots (probably wouldn't fit anyway). Industrial "park" (area) very close. Wouldn't raise an eyebrow. And as I manage a few apartment buildings here I have fairly regular contact with the local PD and FD. They are real cool and will be happy to help if needed. Just take the 25 MPH speed limit seriously!
Looking forward to meeting you!
Couple of truck stops up the road a bit in Richfield - right off 45 before the 41/45 split. Prolly less than 30 min. from your delivery.
Making progress! I'll keep you posted stopped at this service plaza real quick in Ohio. I was probably planning to park at a Pilot in Oak Creek due to limited parking near my delivery and with it being late by the time I get there. I am planning to take a 34 hour reset after this deliver so I'll be near by for a bit!
So many options for jamie this week !!!
Rainys dungeon Or Sauna with Marc Lee
So many options for jamie this week
Rainys dungeon Or Sauna with Marc Lee
I know what a week!
So many options for jamie this week
Rainys dungeon Or Sauna with Marc Lee
Hmm... the former sounds a bit kinky...
The later a bit Gay (when you put it like that)! Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Guess I'll go back to watching Lynda Carter in the Return of Wonder Woman now!
Meeting Marc tomorrow, and taking my 34 hour reset close by where be lives.
Didn’t Jamie just meet Rainy? Now Marc?
Sounds like he’s doing the Trucking Truth national tour. By the time he gets around to me he’ll have to visit my cemetery plot.
Didn’t Jamie just meet Rainy? Now Marc?
Sounds like he’s doing the Trucking Truth national tour. By the time he gets around to me he’ll have to visit my cemetery plot.
Never fear Bruce. Looks like he is doing great at trip planning! (He just needed a little help from me with parking for his "34"!
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Looks like you are 265 mi. away in OH.
Iron Ridge is only 39 miles from me. If you like we can get some real food. Even catch some "night life" if you like. I belong to an XPerience Fitness nearby (dry sauna and saltwater pool is mostly what I use). Hot showers with no waiting (BYO towels - but I have plenty). Can even do some wash for you if you like.
Don't know if you would be more comfortable on an I flateable bed here or in your own bunk but you are welcome here as well. (Apologies in advance for the mess).
I will keep an eye on your progress... just keep updating you location. And text my cell directly when you get closer. (Voice is dicey @ best when home - thank you T-f'ing Mobile!).
Marc Lee