Simple things.
1: Got to use my new truck today, it's amazing. Climbs hills much faster and has better MPG so far.
2: I got a short run of only 275 miles to get live unloaded. But they did time me a pre-assignment for 1500 miles picking you up tomorrow at 1pm.
1. After nine weeks out, got my home load. Be nice to take a couple weeks off.
2. Similar to Rainey, had a tight ninety into a finger dock, got it in first try with no pull ups, surprised even myself. While loading, watched another driver take fifteen minutes to get it in. (No g.o.a.l.s were done, made sure the dock was clear while walking back to the truck, but could see where I needed to be the whole back-if I was off in my sight side, I was off in my blind side too. Besides, with a flatbed, can often see my blind side by looking across the deck.)
Rainy, I'm gonna play your game, but first a few comments. You didn't say you did any G.O.A.Ls during that backing procedure. If you did, please say so. If not tell us why.
I choose my parking spaces wisely. There was a bobtail in my blindside spot who parked all the way to the back. I knew i wouldn't hit him. By the time my tailer came.anywhere near him, i.was already seeing him in the mirror.
Technically, I did GOAL once to see how much room I had to back up to not hit the flatbed parked in the space behind me. That's when I got engaged lol
"Bobtailing" means you are driving a tractor without a trailer attached.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
I made it through chicago during rush hour in stellar time. Then i zoomed right around cleveland also in record time Ahhh its the lil thing usually i have to stop at exit 223 pilot this time i made it all the way to angola for my 10
I have at least one. The fridge I ordered slid right inside the cabinet and I didn’t even have to remove the door.
The second, if it happens is I might get to take my 34 today. My wife is off do that would be awesome.
Mentioned I only have 15 hours left and he told me I couldn’t make the run and to decline the preplan
Just like that? Hmmm...pause for thought.
Keeping in mind I only know what you shared...IMO, based on his input, at the very least a call to your DL might be warranted as a next step. They might know something you or your former trainer hadn’t considered. Try to work it out before “flat out” declining it on someone else’s “word”.
Avvatar.... Bruce K wrote this on another thread in repsonse to you:
Somebody said they were "just a training worm" on one of the threads. I was going to reply to that comment but I can't find the thread now.
Anyway, what I was going to say is that there is no such thing. With all the precautions companies take when bringing in trainees, it's an accomplishment to get accepted into a program. Yes, it's definitely entry level, but if you aspired to be a Rocket Scientist, there is still an entry level for that profession. Hold your head up high, be proud of your progress, step by step. Observe those who have proven their professionalism and imitate them in the way they dress, converse (except the curse words), drive, and any other thing you observe that contributes to their success.
If you are a trainee, you are not a worm.
Mentioned I only have 15 hours left and he told me I couldn’t make the run and to decline the preplan
Just like that? Hmmm...pause for thought.
Keeping in mind I only know what you shared...IMO, based on his input, at the very least a call to your DL might be warranted as a next step. They might know something you or your former trainer hadn’t considered. Try to work it out before “flat out” declining it on someone else’s “word”.
I had already been thinking the same. It was 28 hours of driving, plus load/unload, as well as unloading my current load. I’m still waiting. He happened to be parked right behind me, came and looked st my clock, and said no way you can do this and get back.
I was already thinking I would be stuck in MA doing a 34, and that isn’t happening. If I wanted to be OTR I would have taken a whole different direction to get here.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
I concur with G Town on the preplan.
My FM oftens gives me loads knowing I will swap them with someone else due to my hours. Of course, company size makes a big difference.
Operating While Intoxicated
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Cool stuff Peeps! Here's mine...
(Sorry... not trucking related).
#1 Newer Handyman customer called to apologize!
(First job I looked at for him he gave to some other dudes because they could get it done quickly for a new tenant to move in). I told him I could get it done snd done right working alone... Weeks later and after I have done great work for him on several other properties he wants me to take it over because they are incompetent and still not done (through they think they are). Well... they are done now!
#2 I get to do the work, earn the badly needed money and I cemented a good working relationship with a good client.
Did I mention he apologized for not giving me the work initially???