Stick with it Bruce. Get this behind you and it will only be a bad memory. You're going to run into the same issues anywhere. As long as you're dealing with medical issues there's going to be frustration with the process. It's just the nature of the process. It's not like Schneider is trying to make it harder on you than anybody else would.
Definitely not wise to abandon ship now. In the long run, the benefits of using the machine outweigh the tedious & painful process of the bureaucracy. My sister is slim, eats well & takes good care of herself. Guess what, she has a stroke & had to learn everything from scratch cause is right side is still affected from it.
Just the fact that it improves your circulation is worth the pain in the a$$ process you're enduring now, nevermind the stopping breathing or irregular heartbeat. Call it divine intervention, call it a fluke, the main thing is that if used properly, that machine will add years to your life. Good luck & keep your head cool.
Thank you gentlemen. Always helps to get some objective advice, and that's what I get here. I was venting a little because I want to get back driving before I forget how to do it. But I took a long walk, a hot shower and I feel better. Going to stay the course.
Rob, when you come down 151, lay on the horn about 1/4 mile east of the Country ID overpass, just past
the BP station. I live just north of 151 at about that spot. I'll probably be awake at that time out of fear of
sleep apnea.
A physical disorder in which you have pauses in your breathing, or take shallow breaths, during sleep. These pauses can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Normal breathing will usually resume, sometimes with a loud choking sound or snort.
In obstructive sleep apnea, your airways become blocked or collapse during sleep, causing the pauses and shallow breathing.
It is a chronic condition that will require ongoing management. It affects about 18 million people in the U.S.
Sorry to hear this Bruce.
You might try reaching out to Jamie. I think he recently went through this with Schneider.
That's lousy news, Bruce. I can understand the frustration you must be dealing with. I hope you can get back in the driver's seat soon.
After my sleep study the sleep lab gave me a printout of the entire night's activity, showing everything all the sensors monitored. I'm sure it wasn't faked. I averaged 77 "events" per hour the first 4 hours. Then they woke me up and put me on a CPAP. After I got mine, it was a different world. I had no idea how exhausted I really was until I started sleeping with it. I was never in REM sleep, ever. Now, I feel like a different person entirely.
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.
Operating While Intoxicated
And, my blood pressure went down. Forgot to say that in previous post :)
Sorry to hear this Bruce.
You might try reaching out to Jamie. I think he recently went through this with Schneider.
Yeah I had a sleep study done back at the start of the year, wasn't bad. I actually was allowed to work until my sleep study which then I took during my home time, and they put this little thing in my finger and hooked some other things up to my chest and I was allowed to sleep at home for the night and come back the next day.
Mine wasn't bad, I average 11 events an hour and they gave me my CPAP machine the same day I went back in.
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.
Thanks, Jamie. I'm scheduled to go through the exact same process as you did. Do you see any improvements to yourself from using the CPAP?
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.
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Don’t quit, and don’t make snappy decisions at a spur of the moment when you’re upset. Once this is all worked out, it should be smooth sailing. It’s just going to take awhile to make it to that point in time.