Oh I forgot to mention - in case it was't clear - the gathering was a party. As in, when the parents are out of town the kids throw a party. That is all.
RealDiehl wrote:
Oh I forgot to mention - in case it was't clear - the gathering was a party. As in, when the parents are out of town the kids throw a party. That is all.
Here is what my face looks like right now:
I’m embarrassed for my reply to a well intended joke, that went completely over my thick head. I honestly but incorrectly thought this was a way of protesting the way I handled one individual who indeed is very frustrating. I’m also trying to temper my heavy-handed responses, soften the hard edges of a blunt reply, and I lost my cool with Bruce and his frequent story telling.
I greatly appreciate the well written apology RealDiehl, but frankly I’m the one who owes you an apology for assuming your “Party When Dads Away” spoof was something else and reacting arbitrarily.
I actually love this forum and want nothing better than to continue with it until I’m older and greyer than I am now.
Now that I understand the intent; actually quite brilliant. Funny.
So yes, I’m sorry for the response I wrote to you.
Successful learning trip?
It sure was! I learned a ton climbing with a super high level climber in the biggest mountains I've ever climbed in. It was an awesome trip.
Did ya miss us all Brett?
I sure did! I checked in every day but didn't have the time to get involved in the conversations. I was reading along with a few and making sure the website was functioning properly but really couldn't do much talking in the forum.
read ur second email from me. U asked me for something and i sent you confirmation of a what u asked
Yap, I got it and I'm pursuing that right now. I'll keep you updated on how things go. I very, very much appreciate that!
Here's one pic - there will be many, many more. I'm working on putting them together.....
Successful learning trip?
It sure was! I learned a ton climbing with a super high level climber in the biggest mountains I've ever climbed in. It was an awesome trip.
Did ya miss us all Brett?
I sure did! I checked in every day but didn't have the time to get involved in the conversations. I was reading along with a few and making sure the website was functioning properly but really couldn't do much talking in the forum.
read ur second email from me. U asked me for something and i sent you confirmation of a what u asked
Yap, I got it and I'm pursuing that right now. I'll keep you updated on how things go. I very, very much appreciate that!
Here's one pic - there will be many, many more. I'm working on putting them together.....
We are glad ya are back and even more so glad you are safe. Did you read my more recent post?
You don't know a what relief that is G-Town. My hands are literally shaking as I write this I'm so elated. I hate confrontation of any kind - especially when misunderstood - and I found it very difficult to nap these past few hours as I was beating myself up over how what I said could be interpreted.
I was thinking every moderator was going to be mad at me thinking my comment about their "estates" was an attempt to say you think your better than us. Actually it's what I call absurd/ridiculous humor. You guys are so much the opposite of acting superior that to imply otherwise is a joke in itself.
The "bridge law" was similar to the most recent topic I was involved with so it was first in my mind. I don't blame you for how you interpreted things. All the pieces did add up after all from your perspective.
I appreciate your response, G-Town. Thank you.
Did ya miss us all Brett? 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
I was thinking every moderator was going to be mad at me thinking my comment about their "estates" was an attempt to say you think your better than us. Actually it's what I call absurd/ridiculous humor. You guys are so much the opposite of acting superior that to imply otherwise is a joke in itself.
I am fine with the estate reference. I am.a snob and deserve nothing less than everything I want
Ok everyone, I've posted a ton of pictures from my ice climbing trip to Banff, Alberta Canada. You can find them on my facebook page:
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