It pays to be friendly in a big way! In fact, it's one of the best ways to really set yourself apart as a driver. When so many drivers come rolling in all smelly and grumpy with a lousy attitude you can roll in their with a smiling face and a kind word and it really surprises the people you deal with on the docks, in the shipping office, and in your own company's offices.
I always felt like the best way to get things to work out for you is to be the type of person that people would actually like to help. If you want to get loaded or unloaded early, get a run with a few extra miles, get an extra day off, get out of a ticket, or whatever it may be - being kind and friendly with people will often times make them want to do nice things for you when they really don't have to or might not have otherwise. Over time it adds up in a big way.
Just like they say, you really do attract a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar. And being that so many truck drivers have a vinegar personality, being even a little bit sweeter stands out in a big way.
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Something happened the other day that I forgot till just a few seconds ago when I was reading a comment on another post. Brett again talking about being friendly and nice to everyone you meet.
I was at a Walmart DC the other day. I had never been there before. The guard told me where to drop my empty and where to go to get my paperwork for my full load.
I joked with her for a bit and made her smile. But what really topped my day off. After dropping my empty, I found the office. No problem. I went through the door and right off the bat you could tell this lady was not having a good day.
She just looked at me, asked me what company I was with and was I there to drop or pick up. I told her all that and she grunted and said ok, give me a second.
I smiled and counted to "one". I said your times up. She turned around and saw I was smiling and she smiled and started to giggle. She said, that was cute. Really cute. You just made my day. Thank you.
She gave me all my paperwork. Told me where my trailer was and told me to have a nice day and be careful on the road. You don't get that very often. They see so many truck drivers, you don't get comments like that often. Or at least I haven't.
It pays to be nice and friendly.
Keep it safe out here, the life you save might be your own. The Blue Angel.