I think window tint laws vary by State with them being stricter in less-sunny states.
WI for example limits the % of tint allowed on side windows (in cars). In practice it's a "single layer" or "minimum tint" (not sure exactly how tinters apply these things these days.
The "full dark" or "blackout" tint is clearly illegal here without a letter from a medical professional stating a medical necessity for it. While I know many people get illegal tinting done here, I have been told many people buy vehicles from down South (where it was likely legal) and drive them here (where it is not).
I agree with the "why give them a reason...?" approach.
Anyone care to share on "forward visibility? "
PrePass, Toll Pass, GPS and or tablet for GPS, forward-facing camera, driver-facing camera, tablet or fixed ELD, Sirius XM receiver, monitor for camera system... I've seen some pretty cluttered interiors! Anyone ever been questioned about such things, maybe especially in vehicles with shorter windshields???
How much is too much?
I have absolutely nothing.. nada.. zilch mounted on my windshield. Ooh I take that back.. my easy pass elite is at the top of my windshield and within the wiper swipe area due to that stupid sensor being top center. My understanding is that anything mounted on a windshield in a commercial vehicle must be within the upper 6 inches and not within the area of the wiper blade swipe.
Yeah I see drivers with crap mounted all over their windshield. I prefer to keep mine clean and neat, just like my dash. A pet peeve of mine is junk all over the dash.
Yeah I see drivers with crap mounted all over their windshield. I prefer to keep mine clean and neat, just like my dash. A pet peeve of mine is junk all over the dash.
I agree Susan. It looks quite unprofessional. I've seen drivers with their phones, and GPS mounted on the windshield. They obstruct the view and the light at night is distracting even on the lowest setting. Also, I thought all that is illegal? I remember for our pre trip at the DMV (iowa) "windshield is clean, not chipped cracked or broken, current inspection sticker and is free of any other object or stickers". I cant recall the exact wording, but the dash was empty with no obstructions. Maybe it was just my school doing overkill to help us pass because I definitely have seen some with crap piled up there.
The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.
Marc says
I have been told many people buy vehicles from down South (where it was likely legal) and drive them here (where it is not).
Doesnt matter, your vehicle must meet standards for where its registered. I had the blackout tint put on my van in Florida, when I moved to Iowa I asked a trooper that happened to be at the gas station at the same time about it. I still had FL plates but he told me I'd need to remove the tint on front windows when I register, as it was too dark for iowa (back are fine). I wouldn't be forced to however I'd be issued a citation if pulled over. The only time tint laws do not apply is if it was factory installed that way, or you have a prescription. I don't know how tint laws affect a CMV.
A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:
Marc says
I have been told many people buy vehicles from down South (where it was likely legal) and drive them here (where it is not).
Doesnt matter, your vehicle must meet standards for where its registered. I had the blackout tint put on my van in Florida, when I moved to Iowa I asked a trooper that happened to be at the gas station at the same time about it. I still had FL plates but he told me I'd need to remove the tint on front windows when I register, as it was too dark for iowa (back are fine). I wouldn't be forced to however I'd be issued a citation if pulled over. The only time tint laws do not apply is if it was factory installed that way, or you have a prescription. I don't know how tint laws affect a CMV.
Didn't mean to suggest that made it OK. That was the point of "(where it is not)."
Just saying it is one of the many reasons why illegally tinted windows exist up here. Yes - to be legal in WI you need to remove all but one layer or minimal thickness from front side windows or have a letter claiming medical necessity. It would be crazy to put heavy tint on an OTR CMV! I think they express it in terms of % of light reduction and up here it pretty low for front side windows.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:
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Lol nobody wants to smell like banana boat all day.