Welcome aboard Robert!
I'm not familiar with that particular school but any truck driving school that's part of a community college is usually your best-case scenario. Not only are they very thorough about being in compliance with any state regulations regarding the education, but their costs are usually a lot lower than private schools.
The two biggest things when choosing a truck driving school are:
1) Do major companies hire their students? Get a list of some major companies that hire from there and call a few of the companies yourself from home to confirm it. If some of the majors will hire their students, you're off to a great start.
2) How do the current students feel about the training? Go for a visit to the school, take a tour, and at some point pull some students aside and ask them how they feel about it. When someone just paid a few thousand dollars for training in a new career they're more than happy to share their opinion about it. If they're happy with it they'll be glad to let you know the school is a good option. If they're unhappy with it they certainly won't want the school to make more money off of incoming students so they'll let you know. It's a great way to find out how the school operates in the real world instead of getting the sales pitch from recruiters.
If major companies will hire from a school and the current students are happy with it then you have a legitimate contender.
We have a series of articles on Choosing A Truck Driving School which will give you a ton of great information for doing your research.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
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This school is accredited by by PTDI, and looks like a good deal dollar-wise. Less than $2,000.00 8.5 weeks of school. Would have to move there. Anyone have any info?
Truckschoolusa gives a good write-up. Is that a good site?