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Bird-One's Comment
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Susan you about killed me with that "pubes in the food comment". Hilarious but true.

Lol even if I were a guy, I don't think I'd want a naked stranger serving my food. Do they wear hair nests? I wouldn't want pubes in my food, or maybe they all was? At least there is parking and showers.

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
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I grew up in Florida, but I'm not recalling this place. Could it possibly be in Titusville? (No pun intended, btw.. name of a town on 75 where nudity is acceptable.)

Rick S ... ??

LDRSHIP's Comment
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It is exit 374 on I-75. In Micanopy, FL

Army 's Comment
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LOL.....I am waiting for someone to post a 16 digit grid square to the location..... rofl-3.gif

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
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LoL, Army! I haven't been there in over 20 years. I used to haul boat propellers and underwater shafting from Bradenton, Florida ... pretty much all around the state. General Propeller and Miami Propeller. Spent nights in a Hotel/Motel in Merritt Island. 3 on the tree Chevy with a 28 foot flatbed. Trucking was 'fun' at 21, haha!

Patrick, thank you. Yes, I know where that is also. Man, things have changed. Titusville used to be the home of nude beaches (if you consider the swamps beach material, haha!) << Never been there, btw. Or have I?

Look up old pix, Army. Thank gawd there were no cellphones back then, but the one mounted on my dash.. (2 way, etc...LoL!)

Gawsh I'm old.

Patrick, hope things get better for ya.

Donna, POST PIX, haha!!

Eric G.'s Comment
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I would never go into a place like that! Lol but seriously I'll keep an eye out for it. It sounds interesting and I'm single so I might stop and see what's happening.

Robsteeler's Comment
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That's all I need. Bad enough missing my wife, I'm not gonna torture myself. 😂

BK's Comment
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That's all I need. Bad enough missing my wife, I'm not gonna torture myself. 😂

Rob, and then there would be this from the wife: "Rob, what's this charge on the credit card for a Café Risqué? Can you explain that? Oh oh!

PackRat's Comment
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That's all I need. Bad enough missing my wife, I'm not gonna torture myself. 😂


Rob, and then there would be this from the wife: "Rob, what's this charge on the credit card for a Café Risqué? Can you explain that? Oh oh!

That’s the nice thing about cash transactions. No paper trail.

BK's Comment
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PackRat said "That’s the nice thing about cash transactions. No paper trail."

Truck drivers have cash????? If it took a nickel to go around the world, I wouldn't have enough to get out of sight.

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