Yep the fuddruckers is nice.
Is it a common practice with team drivers for one driver to always G.O.A.L. while the other team member is backing? Seems like this would be a no-brainer and one of the advantages to team driving.
Is it a common practice with team drivers for one driver to always G.O.A.L. while the other team member is backing? Seems like this would be a no-brainer and one of the advantages to team driving.
I've only done team driving while in training. I'm certainly no authority on it, but I think a driver should do his own G.O.A.L. This not only keeps him from hitting anything but also helps him understand how the dynamics of various backing scenarios work. Getting out, looking, and assessing each step of a complicated maneuver helps get the process established in your brain.
I once watched three drivers attempt to get in the only spot available one night at a truck stop. Not one of them ever got out to look, but each of them gave up after about seven or eight minutes, and moved on elsewhere. To their credit it was a tight spot with little room for error. I tried it and managed to get it in. It took some time, and I got out something like ten times. The point is... had I not kept looking, I wouldn't be aware of exactly what I needed to do next. I don't like having a spotter. I want to see it myself and do it myself.
If I'm team driving, I want my fair share of sleep. Don't wake me up to do your job for you.
I don't like having a spotter. I want to see it myself and do it myself.
I agree Old School. I have had a couple of well meaning drivers ask if I would like their help. I politely decline and thank them for the offer. I find it somewhat comical when there are people TRYING to spot a driver at a truck stop. Flailing their hands and arms, pointing, turning an imaginary steering wheel, etc. I have no idea how the poor soul trying to back the truck makes any sense of it.
Old School: Thanks for the information I never considered. This is the reason us rookie drivers keep old
guys like you around, to pick your brains!
Not that I'm an old guy.
Is it a common practice with team drivers for one driver to always G.O.A.L. while the other team member is backing? Seems like this would be a no-brainer and one of the advantages to team driving.
While teaming, one member is off duty and probably sleeping while the other is driving. ( or certainly should be)
TM, I understand your point but I will say this. As a ROOKIE, I have had other drivers see me struggle with backing at times and they didn't just act as spotters. They took time to TEACH me techniques. I always welcome help and if I see a driver struggling, I will offer help if they want it. Sometimes this was a self preservation move, because I saw a driver having difficulty while backing in to a tight spot next to me. I didn't relish the prospect of getting hit. The Good Book says that pride comes before a collision, so I've come to welcome assistance and it also affords the opportunity learn from more experienced drivers and to make new friends.
I would like to say that my wife and I help each other out in particularly tight spaces. Since we're a couple, the dynamic is a little different than some others, but we do help each other out from time to time.
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Whenever you feel tension, or think you feel tension, or the slightest "tug" in the steering wheel you have to stop immediately. Not give it more "gas" like the case of this driver. Or just goal like is being said.