Topic 25679 | Page 3

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Jamie's Comment
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I've been so busy, I needed some time off. Really run down. I've been burning up my 70 and running off recap hours, but I got stuck in Florida last week with no freight for a day. I'm staying home till next Friday and getting blood work done on Tuesday. Hopefully I'm just tired and old, not coming down with something.

This week has been busy thanks to the 3 Harley davidson loads I got all 800+ miles each, but before I got these I was assigned two loads, both under 100 miles. One was to get live unloaded and another was just to pickup an empty and take it to an OC, but I called in about the empty assignment since I never done anything like that. They ended up removing both loads from me since they actually forgot about the first load and didn't have an appointment setup for it, so I lucked out. They asked when I like to run, and I said I prefer to run nights and they said alright. about an hour later I was assigned the first load from Carlisle PA to WI, then back from WI to York PA and picking up from the same place going back to PA.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Prime does coca cola which pays well... like $2 a mile plus Tropicana which sucks...... but we have Prime Floral divison which is really popular but needs teams. it must pay well for lease ops.

In Miami i pick up a lot of seafood

Nolaman's Comment
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I received a similar message from my company.

Thanks for responding. Good luck to you.

Shelby P.'s Comment
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Tariffs probably had some effect on rates, but probably very marginal.

Simply put, there was easy money to be made in trucking. A lot of people jumped in, the industry had over capacity and dropped rates back down.

Now the people that weren't in for the long haul or overextended themselves are leaving or going out of business.

If you're looking for info look at spot market rates. They react more quickly to what's happening to capacity and the industry.

Stick with it and don't let the lies get to you.

I agree with this post from what I'm seeing. A lot more fleet reductions, and complete liquidations of really late model stuff this year than the last two for sure. And so it goes, in trucking.

Solo's Comment
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TMC's FM's sent out a similar message as well.

I'm marked as a "Runner" and thankfully haven't been slowed down by anything real or perceived.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Nolaman's Comment
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Freight may be slow at a company or industry, but not necessarily for everyone.


This is the key thing to understand, especially at a major carrier that has tons and tons of freight. Right now nationwide the freight is slow overall. However, within a major carrier you'll find a huge variance in the amount of freight available in different regions of the country or for different drivers.

A company is going to keep their team trucks and best drivers rolling all the time if at all possible. However, that isn't always possible even for the best drivers. There will be ups and downs at times. It's never anything to worry much about. If you hit a slow patch you should take advantage of it. Get some extra rest or go have some fun. Before long things will pick up for you again and you'll be wishing you had more time to sleep or head off on adventures.

Thanks. I have always taken every single load assigned to me and done my best to deliver early if possible. I have patience, and I think you, and anyone with more experience than I, knows more than me about the industry. In the meantime, I'll make my delivery on time and be thankful for them. I hope everyone remembered the true heroes Memorial Day was made for.

Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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I’m slightly slower than I have been, but not much. My dispatcher said it was due to holiday week. Plus I work weekends which is already a slight challenge for them


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Dave S (formerly known as's Comment
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Only slowdowns I've had were because of maintenance issues...

Tractor Man's Comment
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Bezo's loves to control EVERYTHING, this takes folks from being employees with bene's, to contractors. This is all for the billionaires financial benefit, and he ain't doing anyone else any favors.

The IRS needs to crack down on these employers trying to classify everyone as an Independent Contractor. It is getting completely out of hand. This new "gig economy" is a joke.

PackRat's Comment
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Bezo's loves to control EVERYTHING, this takes folks from being employees with bene's, to contractors. This is all for the billionaires financial benefit, and he ain't doing anyone else any favors.


The IRS needs to crack down on these employers trying to classify everyone as an Independent Contractor. It is getting completely out of hand. This new "gig economy" is a joke.

Employees need to be their own advocate and look out for their own best interests. Find out the facts before hiring on to employers that are not going to treat them in a fair manner. No one is holding a gun to the head of any driver working for Amazon.

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