10 months experience and he’s a trainer? Oh my...
10 whole months. My company allows that as well, but I completely disagree with it.
First breathe. ALL new drivers have accidents and it is totally unrealistic to be accident free your first year. It happens rarely... but most dont even make their first year, let alone do it accident free. Companies know this.
AHEM!!! I’ve been accident free for my entire 2.5+ years! Rookie accidents do happen, but that doesn’t mean they should happen!!
Accidents happen because people become rushed, overconfident and/or complacent. No one should expect to have a rookie accident.
Drive Safe and God Speed!
I did say it is rare and you are special.
rookie accidents often happen due to learning judgement of how to maneuver. i didnt mean they should happen.
OP is with CRST - all teams, all the time. After initial training, you're usually put with a more experienced driver to team with.
So starting out, the other driver is considered "lead driver". But if you're behind the wheel - you're responsible.
There's no reason to "rush" in a congested truck stop. The only thing you can't control, is the ACTIONS OF OTHERS.
He tells me I'm over safe and think to much about problems that could arise. He tell me to just worry about the present moment.
I disagree with him. Part of being a safe driver is identifying potential hazards before they become an emergency. How long are you with your trainer?
1 week left
I was discouraged for a minute but I realize we have a load to deliver and I have to focus on preventing more incidents like this from happening. Can't point the finger at anyone. Just have to continue being as safe as possible and if something makes me uncomfortable, wait till I feel comfortable in the situation. Thanks for everyone's replies.
Tevin said this about his 'trainer': " He has 10 months of experience and knows things I can learn."
Ten months? What company makes a rookie driver a trainer?????? I'm sticking to my opinion here. I think the trainer did Tevin a huge disservice and should take sole responsibility. It's his JOB to teach and he screwed up his teaching in this instance.
Dont let anyone rush you, that's how o had my backing Incident the first week I was out. I find it rather rude I'd people are trying to zoom around me while I'm backing and I personally wait until they're done, give me a sign that I can go or at least backed dark enough into the hole that I can .ale it to avoid this type of thing.
Although I expect people to do it anytime I'm backing because well most drivers only think about themselves. Today I watched two drivers block up two lanes for 30+ miles, both going 64 MPH and the speed limit was 70. I personally usually slow down a bit if someone who is a little bit faster then me, so they can pass faster.
For a trainer with 10 months of experience, he is trying to teach you some unsafe habits that will put you at a much greater risk.
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I disagree with him. Part of being a safe driver is identifying potential hazards before they become an emergency. How long are you with your trainer?