Mounted where Turtle?
On a bird perch on my mirror. You're gonna laugh, it's kind of a redneck setup, but functional.
Because of the antenna length, it's more susceptible to the wind. So I have a piece of 1/4" lexan vice gripped to the mirror, and the antenna runs through a grommet in the lexan, providing some support.
Yeah Yeah I know. But it works!
I have heard of people sleeving a 2-3 inch piece of pvc over the antenna at the base to help against flexing. Did you have to reroute coax to the perch? If so, did you have to remove panels?
Do you guys use a standard 4wt cb, or do you go with the big gun exports.
Do you guys use a standard 4wt cb, or do you go with the big gun exports.
I use a standard Corbra 29LT right out of the box.
Bought a cobra 29 lx and two browning br 28's, will let ya know next week how they are
Did you have to reroute coax to the perch? If so, did you have to remove panels?
I just ran the coax right out past the door hinges. There's enough give in the door seals to allow the coax to pass through. No panels removed.
I also used a stock Cobra 29 Classic. No frills, dependable. But I recently came across a new Galaxy DX 929 and threw it in for the heck of it. No noticeable difference in performance.
I've had issues from day one with the antenna set up on my '18 cascadia. I tried many different 4 or 5 footers but could never get the SWRs down to acceptable levels. Something about the truck just isn't good for reception. Bad ground plane. I finally took someone's recommendation and ordered a 7' SkipShooter for a little more height. That did the trick for me.
I read in one forum that some guy took the roof liner off and stuck copper foil squares up against the inside of the roof in order to create a ground plane. It's amazing what some people will do for cb performance.
I've had issues from day one with the antenna set up on my '18 cascadia. I tried many different 4 or 5 footers but could never get the SWRs down to acceptable levels. Something about the truck just isn't good for reception. Bad ground plane. I finally took someone's recommendation and ordered a 7' SkipShooter for a little more height. That did the trick for me.
Was your original antenna the one molded into the roof? I hear that those are crappy.
I also have a Cobra 29 LT. Had mine peaked and tuned though costed 35 dollars. Works great. And that's interesting stuff on the Galaxy Turtle because i was really considering buying one soon. Glad you said that.
Did you have to reroute coax to the perch? If so, did you have to remove panels?
I just ran the coax right out past the door hinges. There's enough give in the door seals to allow the coax to pass through. No panels removed.
I also used a stock Cobra 29 Classic. No frills, dependable. But I recently came across a new Galaxy DX 929 and threw it in for the heck of it. No noticeable difference in performance.
Thanks for the imput, unfortunately I can not get too fancy so I will try the one at the TA hopefully the one i do my meet at in Ohio has it I try to avoid Gary if i can.
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That was a next step.