About right!! Now ya’ll know why I went to the shiney side of trucking
TYSON: Trucker You’re Staying Over Night!
Ain't that the truth!
TYSON: Trucker You’re Staying Over Night!
Ain't that the truth!
Real, does your company pay anything for a full day wait like that? I mean, you were looking at what, a 2-3 day drive, and now you divide your pay by 3-4 days... Hopefully you could make it up on a great run.
TYSON: Trucker You’re Staying Over Night!
Ain't that the truth!
Real, does your company pay anything for a full day wait like that? I mean, you were looking at what, a 2-3 day drive, and now you divide your pay by 3-4 days... Hopefully you could make it up on a great run.
I'm not 100% certain but I think that particular pickup had a large window of time, like from 00:01 to 23:59. It is my understanding that detention is paid if you have to wait beyond the end of that window. However I did get $100 of detention pay on that check. Could be I got some pity pay from my FM as I don't recall having any other significant detention pay coming to me in that pay period. I'm not positive because I'm at home and i cant check my "archives" which are on my truck. But I did get some good runs: San Diego to northern Oregon and then Washington to NJ. Unfortunately I had to be repowered in WI because I was running on recaps. I still got a load from WI to Hershey, PA though leading up to home time. I cant complain about any of that.
RD, you should get detention pay for that long a wait. At Schneider, we logged in as soon as we arrived at the gate (as long as we were in the appointment window). Then we got detention pay for any wait over 2 hours. I'd have to say Schneider was really good about detention pay. At least, that was my experience.
RD, you should get detention pay for that long a wait. At Schneider, we logged in as soon as we arrived at the gate (as long as we were in the appointment window). Then we got detention pay for any wait over 2 hours. I'd have to say Schneider was really good about detention pay. At least, that was my experience.
That could be the way it works at Prime too. I might be making things up in my mind or taking the old US Xpress rules and applying them to Prime. ??? I know it sounds bad but I tend to concentrate on driving and sometimes other details about the business elude me until explained by someone else. Usually Rainy or Turtle when it comes to Prime's rules. I'm sure I've asked them some silly things that should be obvious to most drivers.
Only silly question is "who will hire me with 3 felonies, 4 DUIs, a hit and run, and a failed drug test (NON dot)?"
Detention starts 2 hours after the appointment in most cases. Customer contracts differ and some have "maximum payouts".
Meat loads are different and we start getting paid at the end of the window aka DDT (Dead Delivery Time). Most meat loads as I explained on another thread recently have large windows but usually have overnight parking. Most allow you to drop the trailer and bobtail out until the load is ready.
Some customers pay right away and some pay months later. We get paid detention when the customer pays... so you may see dentention on your check two months after the load.
You get paid detention at each stop... and you MUST use your dentention stamp on BOL for every stop. Your FM pays a fine everytime you do not. We have detention auditors who go through what we and Prime were owed, and how much was not charged to the customer because of not using the detention stamp.
If you look below on the right you see "Det#01 8 mins"
That is 8 mins detention for the first stop (shipper 1).
To the left is the date and trip number.
The most I ever got paid detention was $350. I dropped my trailer, and got a 34 which reset my clock and was in a hotel swimming... and still got.paid.
You gotta make a life out here and make it work without getting ****ed about everything.
"Bobtailing" means you are driving a tractor without a trailer attached.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Driving Under the Influence
Something else.. I don't sit in doors nearly as much as people assume you do with reefer. And see that paystub above? Only 8 minutes of detention on the whole pay.
This load was scheduled for 1400.
I arrived at 1228. I got out at 1349.
Now i am parked and already know my next load for tonight.
My last load appt was 07/06 1000
I arrived at 07/06 0730.
Was out by 0844.
It delivered on 07/08 at 1000
I arrived at 07/08 at 0201
I got a door at 1003
Was empty at 1037
Parked there for a little longer to get my full 10 break and zipped to next load.
so from 07/06 to 0710, i had 2 loads and no detention at any of the 3 stops (one was a drop n hook).
A refrigerated trailer.
Looks like I got 408 mins. @ 01. On the load out of AR. However, none of that time was spent swimming at a hotel *grumble-grumble*
You crack me up, Rainy! Yours is a trucker's lifestyle unlike any other.
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TYSON: Trucker You’re Staying Over Night!