I love that you guys got creative with the photo. The comments are too funny..!
I am still impress they figured out how to start it since it does not have a crank handle.
I am still impress they figured out how to start it since it does not have a crank handle.
...and no hood'mirrors ... wth?? LoL...
Bruce why don't you get your cpap in gear already and team with Marc? That would be interesting to say the least.
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.
Bruce why don't you get your cpap in gear already and team with Marc? That would be interesting to say the least.
On the plus side... I guess we could share one walker!
On the negative... I don't sleep in moving vehicles!
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.
On the negative... I don't sleep in moving vehicles!
Oh suck it up Buttercup.......LOL
On the negative... I don't sleep in moving vehicles!
Marc, forgive me - I just want to use your comment as a springboard into a "teaching moment."
One of the common fallacies I see demonstrated by rookies in trucking is this idea of "there are some things that just can't be learned." These things are always stated with the phrases, "I can't" or "I don't" in front of them.
They are things like...
"I can't sleep in a moving vehicle."
"I can't drive at night."
"I can't sleep in the daytime."
"I can't be gone from home more than one week."
"I can't drive for 10 hours in one day."
The list could go on and on. It's silly. A person can adapt and learn to do anything. Trucking is full of challenges. We get it - it's certainly not for everyone, but the "I can't" crowd makes it extremely difficult on themselves.
Trucking is all about expanding your horizons - unleashing yourself from your fears and doubts. You've got to be willing to take some risks. Rainy has lately been talking about how much more confidence she has in backing. How did she get there? She was so inept at the beginning she would actually drop her trailer and pay other people to back it into place! She disciplined herself into experimenting with it enough to get to where she is now. Is she an expert? Maybe not. Is she capable of doing what she once couldn't? Definitely!
So many things in this career require commitment and resolve. The learning curve never flattens out. There's always a better or more effective way of getting things done. I recently changed up my appointment times on a very tightly scheduled load so that I could finish it a day ahead of schedule. I had to do all night driving for four days in a row to make it work. After updating my dispatcher he reset my schedule and then sent me this message.
Okay, I've reset your appointments as per your instructions Mr. Overachiever.
After years of being out here I'm still working on improving my results. Why? This career rewards those who get results. I'm never satisfied with mediocre. I can't rest on last week's accomplishments.
If you want to do really well in trucking you've got to lose any concepts of "I don't or I can't."
On the negative... I don't sleep in moving vehicles!
Oh suck it up Buttercup.......LOL
Trust me... I would if I could!
Once flew to the UK on British Airways. Upper deck of a 747 which was just converted to 1st Class. Seated 34 I believe. Including cockpit crew I think there were 11 of us in total, with 3 flight attendants to attend to our needs. (This was before the full-on beds with curtains setup but pretty cushy fully reclining seats).
Don't think I slept a wink, and it was a night flight! Don't recall taking advantage of "Raid the Larder" (pantry)... I think I was stuffed from dinner. Thought it was a nice offer/feature though!
If I couldn't sleep there...
Marc, don't worry about it, you're going solo if I have anything to say about it!
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