Doing The Happy Dance.. My Sweetie Is Doing Better

Topic 26092 | Page 3

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Spaceman Spiff's Comment
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Great news after bad news, its good to hear !

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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I know I've barely been on there the last week. It's been a nightmare from hell. My sweetie and I were on vacation getting land cleared etc. last week.

We were to both go back to work this past Monday, but last Sunday, Michael became suddenly very very sick and almost died. Hes been in the ICU here for a week and was on a ventilator. He's much improved and came off the ventilator yesterday.

Its going to take a little time before he's able to return back to work. He felt bad last Sunday morning and asked me to take him to urgent care and I did. He was diagnosed with the flu and I brought him home. Within 3 hours he didn't know who he was (or anyone else) and couldn't speak real words.. just garbled random syllables so I called an ambulance.

He had meningitis and also has pneumonia. They aggressively treated him with antibiotics and antivirals when he got in the ER because there wasn't enough time to figure out if it was bacterial or viral so was treated for both. They strongly suspected west nile, but couldn't prove or disprove it because of the aggressive meds, his spinal tap cultures weren't growing anything.

Anyway, he's really weak but back to his regular old self and they're hoping to be able to let him come home tomorrow. It was just awful because legally, I'm nothing. Ironically just last week we had discussed having a power of attorney drawn up for both of us this week. It took me a day to contact his mother who is legal next of kin and despite her own chronic illness, was able to come to Kentucky for a couple of days but had to go back to SW Georgia last Wednesday.

After all the hefty drugs had worn off and he was well oriented and talking yesterday, he surprised me. Said we really need to take care of this immediately and asked me to marry him. He's my best friend and soul mate so yes, we're getting married.

I really need to get back to work but west side is going to keep me very close so I can take my 10s here frequently. They've been fantastic, allowing me to park my truck and stay with him, so maybe by Tuesday, depending on whether he can drive himself to the doctor or whatever around town, I'll try to get back to work.

Holy crap! How the heck did i miss this????

Im so sorry you both went through all that, and not only is he lucky to have such an awesome, dedicated and determined woman at his side... but he knows it!!!!

Whhhhhooooooo!!!! Congrats!!! All the happiness in the world to you both and I am keeping him in my prayers.



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