The Beards!!
If I had a beard like PackRat’s, I know I’d get it caught up in a driveshaft or a fan belt.
Etch and Kearsey
Let's try this again. Etch and Kearsey
Nice. Are you going to be his trainer?
I'm teasing. He is hysterical and we have already been yelling at each other.
That is awesome!!
I'm teasing. He is hysterical and we have already been yelling at each other.
I really appreciate this particular post by Kearsey. Since I discovered it I have had the pleasure of meeting a few great drivers and TT members, Pack Rat, Ms. Laura (Idaho Mtn. Gal), Big Scott and PJ. You can't really appreciate what a driver says on TT until you meet them in person. I hope to keep on meeting people from TT when either here in Winter Haven, Fl. or while Rving on the road.
While looking at the GPS locator, I discovered I have Dennis L, Ryan B and Drew all within 250 miles west of me. Maybe one of them could end up meeting up with each other or me.
Be safe out there going across Wyoming. No precipitation coming out of the sky yesterday but with winds blowing snow, there were many wrecks yesterday and it's starting again today. I'm in Sidney NE getting ready to head out for the day. Be safe everyone.
Operating While Intoxicated
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I'm not growing one! At least I don't wear sandals either.
Operating While Intoxicated